Is there a more efficient way to write the following code? Basically, I am testing four conditions. Then I want to sum how many of those four conditions are true. Then I'm assigning them values A to E (0 to 4). Once an A to E is returned for each record, I am grouping by this value. Just want to know if there is a better way to write this for my own personal growth.
numbervar collectionGradeCount:=0;
numbervar ct_LPYMTAMT :=0;
numbervar ct_LASTPYDT :=0;
numbervar ct_LSTTRXDT :=0;
numbervar ct_FRSTINDT :=0;
if {AR_open_aging.LPYMTAMT} = 0
then ct_LPYMTAMT := 1;
if {AR_open_aging.LASTPYDT} <CurrentDate-60
then ct_LASTPYDT := 1;
if {AR_open_aging.LSTTRXDT} <CurrentDate-60
then ct_LSTTRXDT := 1;
if {AR_open_aging.FRSTINDT} >CurrentDate-90
then ct_FRSTINDT := 1;
collectionGradeCount:= ct_LPYMTAMT+ ct_LASTPYDT+ct_LSTTRXDT+ct_FRSTINDT;
select collectionGradeCount
case 1 : "B"
case 2: "C"
case 3: "D"
case 4: "E"
default: "A";
numbervar collectionGradeCount:=0;
numbervar ct_LPYMTAMT :=0;
numbervar ct_LASTPYDT :=0;
numbervar ct_LSTTRXDT :=0;
numbervar ct_FRSTINDT :=0;
if {AR_open_aging.LPYMTAMT} = 0
then ct_LPYMTAMT := 1;
if {AR_open_aging.LASTPYDT} <CurrentDate-60
then ct_LASTPYDT := 1;
if {AR_open_aging.LSTTRXDT} <CurrentDate-60
then ct_LSTTRXDT := 1;
if {AR_open_aging.FRSTINDT} >CurrentDate-90
then ct_FRSTINDT := 1;
collectionGradeCount:= ct_LPYMTAMT+ ct_LASTPYDT+ct_LSTTRXDT+ct_FRSTINDT;
select collectionGradeCount
case 1 : "B"
case 2: "C"
case 3: "D"
case 4: "E"
default: "A";