I don't know if this will explain everything clearly of what Im trying to do but here we go...I have a formula "dispatch profit" which calculates per user how much money they have earned for a certain time period which is entered in by a date range for example ....pick up date between 3/1/11..5/10/11, which is then broken down by a month grouping so it shows the results for each month on separate pages.
What Im trying to do is have everything all on one section and/or page as far as my monthly figures, so the dispatch profit will be calculated for the months of March, April, and the current month of may each broken down only for that month yet all on one section.
The problem being when I run the report I have to put in a date range from the start being 3/1 to the end in this case being 5/10.
Dispatch profit is just a figure which is summed up but currently is grouped by a month formula as this:
if {@Pickup Date} >= {@Min Date} and {@Pickup Date}<= {@Max Date} then
"'" &
Right(Left(ToText (Year ({@Pickup Date})),InStr (ToText (Year ({@Pickup Date})),'.')-1),2) &
" " &
{@Month Place}&Left(ToText (Month ({@Pickup Date})),InStr (ToText (Month ({@Pickup Date})),'.')-1) &
MonthName (Month ({@Pickup Date}))
else if {@Pickup Date} >= {@Min Date 2} and {@Pickup Date}<= {@Max Date 2} then
"'" &
Right(Left(ToText (Year ({@Pickup Date})),InStr (ToText (Year ({@Pickup Date})),'.')-1),2) &
" " &
{@Month Place}&Left(ToText (Month ({@Pickup Date})),InStr (ToText (Month ({@Pickup Date})),'.')-1) &
MonthName (Month ({@Pickup Date}))
else ''
any help or guidance would be appreciated
I don't know if this will explain everything clearly of what Im trying to do but here we go...I have a formula "dispatch profit" which calculates per user how much money they have earned for a certain time period which is entered in by a date range for example ....pick up date between 3/1/11..5/10/11, which is then broken down by a month grouping so it shows the results for each month on separate pages.
What Im trying to do is have everything all on one section and/or page as far as my monthly figures, so the dispatch profit will be calculated for the months of March, April, and the current month of may each broken down only for that month yet all on one section.
The problem being when I run the report I have to put in a date range from the start being 3/1 to the end in this case being 5/10.
Dispatch profit is just a figure which is summed up but currently is grouped by a month formula as this:
if {@Pickup Date} >= {@Min Date} and {@Pickup Date}<= {@Max Date} then
"'" &
Right(Left(ToText (Year ({@Pickup Date})),InStr (ToText (Year ({@Pickup Date})),'.')-1),2) &
" " &
{@Month Place}&Left(ToText (Month ({@Pickup Date})),InStr (ToText (Month ({@Pickup Date})),'.')-1) &
MonthName (Month ({@Pickup Date}))
else if {@Pickup Date} >= {@Min Date 2} and {@Pickup Date}<= {@Max Date 2} then
"'" &
Right(Left(ToText (Year ({@Pickup Date})),InStr (ToText (Year ({@Pickup Date})),'.')-1),2) &
" " &
{@Month Place}&Left(ToText (Month ({@Pickup Date})),InStr (ToText (Month ({@Pickup Date})),'.')-1) &
MonthName (Month ({@Pickup Date}))
else ''
any help or guidance would be appreciated