I set off a query to update a table with a 40 million rows by referencing an equally big table. It's been running for a long time - over the weekend. I know if I stop the query it will take as long to undo as it took to run.
The transaction log hasn't grown too big and when I look at the task manager it's hardly registering any activity.
How can I tell if I've just killed the server or the query really is taking ages. I have a horrible feeling I've written a dumb query and asked it to do so much that it's still working but it's just taking a long time to page the data because it's having to deal with more than it can handle.
The transaction log hasn't grown too big and when I look at the task manager it's hardly registering any activity.
How can I tell if I've just killed the server or the query really is taking ages. I have a horrible feeling I've written a dumb query and asked it to do so much that it's still working but it's just taking a long time to page the data because it's having to deal with more than it can handle.