Good Morning
I have been using the following code on checking a folder contents and emailing the results to a particular email
I get the following error message watch.vbs(19, 1) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Type mismatch: '[string: ""]'
Can anyone help me with this error?
I have been using the following code on checking a folder contents and emailing the results to a particular email
Dim blnAttachFiles, iDontSendFilesLargerThan, sMessage
Const ForReading = 1
Const cdoSendUsingMethod = "[URL unfurl="true"]",[/URL] _
cdoSendUsingPort = 2, _
cdoSMTPServer = "[URL unfurl="true"]"[/URL]
'// Create the CDO connections.
Dim iMsg, iConf, Flds, blnSendMail, debug, strDate
debug = 0
blnAttachFiles = true
blnSendMail = false
strWatchDir = GetINIString("Main", "WatchDirectory", "", ".\watch.ini")
strWatchServers = GetINIString("Main", "WatchServers", "", ".\watch.ini")
strCompare = GetINIString("Main", "Comparison", "", ".\watch.ini")
strFileSize = Int(GetINIString("Main", "FileSizeThreshold", "", ".\watch.ini"))
iDontSendFilesLargerThan = Int(GetINIString("Main", "DontSendFilesLargerThan", "", ".\watch.ini"))
strSMTPServer = GetINIString("Email", "SMTPServer", "", ".\watch.ini")
strSendTo = GetINIString("Email", "SendTo", "", ".\watch.ini")
strSendFrom = GetINIString("Email", "SendFrom", "", ".\watch.ini")
strSubject = GetINIString("Email", "Subject", "", ".\watch.ini")
'If debug = 0 Then wscript.echo strWatchServers & vbcrlf & strWatchDir & vbcrlf & strFileSize _
' & vbcrlf & strSMTPServer & vbcrlf & strSendTo & vbcrlf _
' & strSendFrom & vbcrlf & strSubject & vbcrlf & strCompare
strWatchServers = split(strWatchServers,",", -1,1)
Set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
Set Flds = iConf.Fields
'// SMTP server configuration.
With Flds
.Item(cdoSendUsingMethod) = cdoSendUsingPort
'// Set the SMTP server address here.
.Item(cdoSMTPServer) = strSMTPServer
End With
For i=0 to UBound(strWatchServers)
Set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
If debug = 1 Then wscript.echo strWatchServers(i)
strWatchDir_a = "\\" & strWatchServers(i) & strWatchDir
'// Set the message properties.
With iMsg
Set .Configuration = iConf
.To = strSendTo
.From = strSendFrom
.Subject = "Contents of " & strWatchDir_a
.TextBody = strSubject & " - " & strWatchDir_a & " - " & Now
End With
If debug = 1 Then wscript.echo strWatchDir_a
Call ShowFolderList(strWatchDir_a)
Function AddAttachment(strFile)
'// An attachment can be included.
iMsg.AddAttachment strFile
End Function
Function SendMail
'// Send the message.
iMsg.TextBody = iMsg.TextBody & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & sMessage
iMsg.Send ' send the message.
Set imsg = nothing
End Function
Function ShowFolderList(folderspec)
Dim fso, f, f1, fc, s
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.GetFolder(folderspec)
Set fc = f.Files
For Each f1 in fc
if debug = 1 then wscript.echo & vbtab & f1.size
If f1.size > strFileSize Then
blnSendMail = true
s = s & & vbtab & f1.size
s = s & vbcrlf
'fso.CopyFile f1.path, folderspec & "\" & strDate & "\" &
If blnAttachFiles = true and f1.size < iDontSendFilesLargerThan then
Call AddAttachment(f1.path)
End If
sMessage = sMessage & & vbtab & f1.size & " bytes" & vbnewline
End If
if debug = 1 then wscript.echo sMessage
ShowFolderList = s
If debug = 1 Then wscript.echo s
If CStr(err.number) <> 0 Then
Call ErrorHandle(folderspec)
ElseIf blnSendMail = True Then
Call SendMail
End If
blnSendMail = false
End Function
Sub ErrorHandle(folderspec)
WshShell.Popup "Error: Path on " & folderspec & " does not exist or no files " _
& "were found.", 7, "No files found in " & folderspec, 64
End Sub
Sub WriteINIString(Section, KeyName, Value, FileName)
Dim INIContents, PosSection, PosEndSection
'Get contents of the INI file As a string
INIContents = GetFile(FileName)
'Find section
PosSection = InStr(1, INIContents, "[" & Section & "]", vbTextCompare)
If PosSection>0 Then
'Section exists. Find end of section
PosEndSection = InStr(PosSection, INIContents, vbCrLf & "[")
'?Is this last section?
If PosEndSection = 0 Then PosEndSection = Len(INIContents)+1
'Separate section contents
Dim OldsContents, NewsContents, Line
Dim sKeyName, Found
OldsContents = Mid(INIContents, PosSection, PosEndSection - PosSection)
OldsContents = split(OldsContents, vbCrLf)
'Temp variable To find a Key
sKeyName = LCase(KeyName & "=")
'Enumerate section lines
For Each Line In OldsContents
If LCase(Left(Line, Len(sKeyName))) = sKeyName Then
Line = KeyName & "=" & Value
Found = True
End If
NewsContents = NewsContents & Line & vbCrLf
If isempty(Found) Then
'key Not found - add it at the end of section
NewsContents = NewsContents & KeyName & "=" & Value
'remove last vbCrLf - the vbCrLf is at PosEndSection
NewsContents = Left(NewsContents, Len(NewsContents) - 2)
End If
'Combine pre-section, new section And post-section data.
INIContents = Left(INIContents, PosSection-1) & _
NewsContents & Mid(INIContents, PosEndSection)
else'if PosSection>0 Then
'Section Not found. Add section data at the end of file contents.
If Right(INIContents, 2) <> vbCrLf And Len(INIContents)>0 Then
INIContents = INIContents & vbCrLf
End If
INIContents = INIContents & "[" & Section & "]" & vbCrLf & _
KeyName & "=" & Value
end if'if PosSection>0 Then
WriteFile FileName, INIContents
End Sub
Function GetINIString(Section, KeyName, Default, FileName)
Dim INIContents, PosSection, PosEndSection, sContents, Value, Found
'Get contents of the INI file As a string
INIContents = GetFile(FileName)
'Find section
PosSection = InStr(1, INIContents, "[" & Section & "]", vbTextCompare)
If PosSection > 0 Then
'Section exists. Find end of section
PosEndSection = InStr(PosSection, INIContents, vbCrLf & "[")
'?Is this last section?
If PosEndSection = 0 Then PosEndSection = Len(INIContents)+1
'Separate section contents
sContents = Mid(INIContents, PosSection, PosEndSection - PosSection)
If InStr(1, sContents, vbCrLf & KeyName & "=", vbTextCompare)>0 Then
Found = True
'Separate value of a key.
Value = SeparateField(sContents, vbCrLf & KeyName & "=", vbCrLf)
End If
End If
If isempty(Found) Then Value = Default
GetINIString = replace(Value,Chr(34),"")
End Function
'Separates one field between sStart And sEnd
Function SeparateField(ByVal sFrom, ByVal sStart, ByVal sEnd)
Dim PosB: PosB = InStr(1, sFrom, sStart, 1)
If PosB > 0 Then
PosB = PosB + Len(sStart)
Dim PosE: PosE = InStr(PosB, sFrom, sEnd, 1)
If PosE = 0 Then PosE = InStr(PosB, sFrom, vbCrLf, 1)
If PosE = 0 Then PosE = Len(sFrom) + 1
SeparateField = Mid(sFrom, PosB, PosE - PosB)
End If
End Function
'File functions
Function GetFile(ByVal FileName)
Dim FS: Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Go To windows folder If full path Not specified.
If InStr(FileName, ":\") = 0 And Left (FileName,2) <> "\\" And Left (FileName,2) <> ".\" Then
FileName = FS.GetSpecialFolder(0) & "\" & FileName
End If
'On Error Resume Next
End Function
'Separates one field between sStart And sEnd
Function SeparateField(ByVal sFrom, ByVal sStart, ByVal sEnd)
Dim PosB: PosB = InStr(1, sFrom, sStart, 1)
If PosB > 0 Then
PosB = PosB + Len(sStart)
Dim PosE: PosE = InStr(PosB, sFrom, sEnd, 1)
If PosE = 0 Then PosE = InStr(PosB, sFrom, vbCrLf, 1)
If PosE = 0 Then PosE = Len(sFrom) + 1
SeparateField = Mid(sFrom, PosB, PosE - PosB)
End If
End Function
'File functions
Function GetFile(ByVal FileName)
Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Go To windows folder If full path Not specified.
If InStr(FileName, ":\") = 0 And Left(FileName,2)<> "\\" And Left(FileName,2) <> ".\" Then
FileName = FS.GetSpecialFolder(0) & "\" & FileName
End If
On Error Resume Next
GetFile = FS.OpenTextFile(FileName).ReadAll
'wscript.echo getfile
End Function
Sub WriteINIStringVirtual(Section, KeyName, Value, FileName)
WriteINIString Section, KeyName, Value, _
End Sub
Function GetINIStringVirtual(Section, KeyName, Default, FileName)
GetINIStringVirtual = GetINIString(Section, KeyName, Default, _
End Function
Function MakeSureDirectoryTreeExists(dirName)
Dim aFolders, newFolder
If debug = 1 Then wscript.echo "Makesuredirectorytreexists " & dirname
dim delim
' Creates the FSO object.
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Checks the folder's existence.
If Not fso.FolderExists(dirName) Then
' Splits the various components of the folder name.
If instr(dirname,"\\") then
delim = "-_-_-_-"
dirname = replace(dirname,"\\",delim)
'wscript.echo dirname
End if
aFolders = split(dirName, "\")
if instr(dirname,delim) Then
dirname = replace(aFolders(0),delim,"\\")
'wscript.echo "aFolders = " & dirname
End if
' Obtains the drive's root folder.
newFolder = fso.BuildPath(dirname, "\")
' Scans each component in the array, and create the appropriate folder.
For i=1 to UBound(aFolders)
newFolder = fso.BuildPath(newFolder, aFolders(i))
If Not fso.FolderExists(newFolder) Then
fso.CreateFolder newFolder
End If
End If
End Function
I get the following error message watch.vbs(19, 1) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Type mismatch: '[string: ""]'
Can anyone help me with this error?