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monitoring cf application/server and metrics

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Jan 21, 2002
I have an application in CF using cf server 4.5. What I want to to is monitor
a)whether the server is running and
b)its performance level like in coldfusion administrator -->miscellaneous-->debugging and switching on 'show process time' and 'enable performance monitoring'
but I don't want to switch it on this way as it will appear when users run the application and it looks unprofessional to have all these metrics on display for all to see.

Is there a way to do this, say via command line or something?
I usually check whether the cf server is running by going to settings-->control panel-->administrative tools-->services.

Can anyone advise whether what I want to do is possible and if so how to go about it ?


In 4.5, Debugging will only show up on everyones computer if you use in the debug IP setting. If you want to use this and only you see it, then remove the from the IP settings and put in your own IP address.

This may prove difficult if your IP is dynamic though, as it will change occassionally, making it necessary for you to change it.
I wouldn't recommend taking the 'IP' route. If you have some programmers on your team, I'm certain they can write up some code to gather hardware statistics relatively easy.

Let me know which route you take...
Thanks for the input SafariTECHPhoenix and net123
I agree with net123 I would prefer some code or scripting to enable this as using the IP route gives me info on execution time etc but not whether the cfserver services are available. However I will have to do any the coding necessary to gather the hardware statistics and I wouldn't know where to start. Can you show me an example or point me to a reference ?

what about starting with dumping the debug output to a textfile so that I can manipulate it . Is it possible to do that ?
Haven't tried it (I'm running 5.0 and MX, which have more robust system probes)... but I wonder if you set the debugging IP to localhost ( and then did a CFHTTP get of a page if the result would include the debugging info (since CF is running on the same box).

Longshot... but if it works, you parse the output and do anything with it you darned well pleased [wink]

Eh... stupid idea... I must be loopy this morning.
Hope it helps,
I tried your suggestion but I am getting access denied error and I am testing on my workstation
I am trying the basic

<cfhttp URL=&quot;
but cannot get that to work
wht am I missing here?

I'm pretty sure that the &quot;method&quot; parameter is required for CFHTTP... so you'd need to use

<CFHTTP METHOD=&quot;get&quot; URL=&quot;[URL unfurl="true"]http://localhost/quality/BINS/index.cfm&quot;>[/URL]

But like I said... it's a long shot that it would work. I just tried it myself (finally) and it doesn't work here either (reports a &quot;connection failure&quot;).

The docs for CFHTTPPARAM seem to suggest that you can use localhost... so perhaps there's something in the web server configuration that prevents it... but it could be it's just not possible.

Hope it helps,
Same If I try to get to a site thats not on my server I get connection failed and if I use a local site I get access denied error
Also method is an optional parameter
I don't know if its possible or not but i'm still trying :p
I have seen some sites that claim that it works though how I'm not sure as when I try their example I get errors returned.
If you have any other ideas on this that I could try it would be much appreciated

I read in this forum that &quot;Prior to this release CFHTTP would fail with a connection failure if the status code was anything but 200&quot; . How do I check which version sp I have ?
in my cfserver version it says does that mean I have service pack 0?

Hmmmm... I've been using CFHTTP for quite a while... certain before any SPs on v4.5... and never had any problems with connection failure.

Indeed... if I take my existing test page (v.5.0) and change localhost (which reports back a connection failure) to another valid server, it works fine. I'm thinking the problem is with using localhost.

You might be able to get around it by using a proxy... but now I'm just spouting sillyness. I need to go to bed.
Hope it helps,
Unfortunately there isn't any hope of getting v5 but I found an interesting note at It states that you will get &quot;access denied&quot; when you try and use cfhttp with nt challenge response on however when I try and disable it on my test machine I am unable to do so?!?! If I try it with an outside URL I get &quot;connection failure&quot; and if I try something on loalhost or on our intranet I get &quot;access denied&quot;
Any other way I can get what I am after ?

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