Hi fellows,
I'm somewhat confused about several statistics shown in the Pervasive Monitor.
First, what is the difference between clients, licenses in use and total remote connections. I don´t understand why this numbers are so different.
Second, it is recommended to have communications threads set to 32 if you have 32 clients (for example), if you have more clients you should analyze if it is reasonable to increase the number of threads. Can somebody explain me the situation given the following numbers:
CLIENTS 35 48 10000
LICENSES 11 11 50
REMOTE CONNS 20 39 100
I don´t know if I should follow the previous recommendation given that my COMMUNICATIONS THREADS PEAK is just 5.
Finally, is there a way to determine if my CACHE ALLOCATION SIZE is too low. I have found some ways to calculate the recommended but it is based on the size of the databases used. I think that aproach is not the best since not all files from a database are used at the same time. Isn´t there a way to calculate the CACHE HITS/CACHE MISSES ratio for example? or to determine a TOO MUCH I/O RATIO (I don´t know how)?
Thanks a lot for your help and best regards.
Mauricio Peccorini
BTW.: I'm using PSQL 2000i Server and PSQL 2000i WGE as client. The specific problem I'm trying to solve is that even very easy queries (like SELECT some_desc FROM some_catalog WHERE item_id = some_value) have a very high response time (1 or 2 seconds).
I'm somewhat confused about several statistics shown in the Pervasive Monitor.
First, what is the difference between clients, licenses in use and total remote connections. I don´t understand why this numbers are so different.
Second, it is recommended to have communications threads set to 32 if you have 32 clients (for example), if you have more clients you should analyze if it is reasonable to increase the number of threads. Can somebody explain me the situation given the following numbers:
CLIENTS 35 48 10000
LICENSES 11 11 50
REMOTE CONNS 20 39 100
I don´t know if I should follow the previous recommendation given that my COMMUNICATIONS THREADS PEAK is just 5.
Finally, is there a way to determine if my CACHE ALLOCATION SIZE is too low. I have found some ways to calculate the recommended but it is based on the size of the databases used. I think that aproach is not the best since not all files from a database are used at the same time. Isn´t there a way to calculate the CACHE HITS/CACHE MISSES ratio for example? or to determine a TOO MUCH I/O RATIO (I don´t know how)?
Thanks a lot for your help and best regards.
Mauricio Peccorini
BTW.: I'm using PSQL 2000i Server and PSQL 2000i WGE as client. The specific problem I'm trying to solve is that even very easy queries (like SELECT some_desc FROM some_catalog WHERE item_id = some_value) have a very high response time (1 or 2 seconds).