ok what about if you have the password already...does anyone have the command list for it? I had a customer "figure out the password" and have since changed companies and I'll be dog goned if I can find my list so I can kill the monitor!
ACA - Implement IP Office
ACS - Implement IP Office
I'd rather be jeepin'! 0|||||||0
I have a list of commands that I might send along, but you'll have to contact me.
Monitor has limited purpose for troubleshooting and should be used...never actually. In 19 years, I've used Monitor exactly ONE time to help troubleshoot a difficult PRI problem.
Get in there and play around; next thing you know, the switch is at it's knees. I don't recommend it.
If using the "monitor" feature on the SPM menu is such a taboo issue..then why would techs be allow to even access
it...It seems like an act against Avaya to give out such
info...was gaining access to this feature a mistake???? Or
was it meant to be a troubleshooting tool that only tier 3
techs can use.....just curious..and uninformed.
Here is what I can tell you about monitor. Back in the "good ol' days" of the system 25, there was a higher level of maintenance...where it was password protected for AVAYA Tier 3 to troubleshoot more complex issues. Ironic is the password for the Legend/Magix is the same as it was for the 25. It was created after the one developers daughter's name. I guess they have continued the feature into the Legend/Magix. There is a way to input data into the RAM of the Magix through monitor, then again, the Poke feature in Maintenance does the same function. Monitor is very useful for trying to find a spare number to create, tracing Layer 3 on B channels on a PRI, finding out what is busied out all in one screen, and live SMDR tracing. That is what I mainly use it for. Here is the question I have, if they didn't want anyone to access this function of the Legend/Magix then why have the access to it right in the Main Screen of SPM? Why not hide it like the Poke or System Default features?
Back in the days when you COULD get from Denver, reliable T3 support..they always had access to parts of the system, that I couldn't reach...thats OK...With the later processor
releases, calling for higher tech support started to disappear...as least for me it did. Who needs it now!!!!!
The Monitor story is one of those little threads that AT&T,
Lucent and now Avaya hung over our collective heads.
These forums have filled a big hole in terms of reliable
tech support...why fumble with the tech manuals...which are
written in some form of Greek..just ask the ? here and some
body will answer it. End of Story.
That's very cool, jinx. I knew that Legend/Magix was developed by the System 25 group, but I didn't know that the S25 had a similar login layer. BTW, I heard that it was named after a developer's wife, not daughter. It could all be urban legend...who knows?
I know of the hidden Poke, but why is there no Peek? And and I mentioned before, I've also used Monitor to troubeshoot PRI. Monitor or Poke is very likely the "portal" used to accept data from a file restore (from your laptop for example, not the PCMCIA card).
The thing you mentioned that got my attention was this business about finding a spare number. That would be very useful to me. Would you mind PMing me on that?
Currently, I use Quick Access (which ain't so quick) to visually list out all extensions and adjuncts in numberical order. I then scan for a "hole" in the dialplan.
Cute merlinman - and I for one can't wait (for you to get back to Denver). And all these years I thought the Merlin was bastardized from the Horizon - although the black/silver ATL phones point more toward S25..or was the S25 between the Horizon and Legend? Rhetorical ?? not really looking for an answer. All I know is my life was easier when I only sold them, not installed them...
Hey Dagwoodsystems, sorry I havent gotten back to you earlier. In monitor, you can use the dpl function. dpl 4 will show you every number using a 4 in the merlin, including huntgroups, page groups ect ect. As well, it shows you the scheme in numerical order, very very useful in locating a spare number. Hopefully this helps you out.
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