My screen sometimes becomes jitterly, resizes about 1/4" then back, and sometimes flickers a black screen..Changed video card, same problem..AMD XP1500, Geforce 4 5200 128mb, 400 Watt Power Supply..Bad Monitor ???
what are you doing at the time? My Radeon 8500 also does this as it resizes resolutions. It does it more if you leave the TV-out enabled when it's not in use. Disable & disconnect all extra outputs.
Exactly what mine does and is attributed to multi modes of display on the vid card. I swapped back to my normal TNT2 (just vga out) and it stops. Just an annoyance and not necessarily broken. Try another basic card and see if it still does it
Also make sure it is not sitting near any electronic devices that contain large amounts of EMF. IE. TV, other monitors, microwaves.
These elctronics can vary the EMF output around them from time to time which can cause the jitter. If the screen is going to black then it may be your video card. you need to try a different one to see if it fixes it or play with the resolution/refresh rates.
Also make sure your tv or 2nd monitor outs are disabled if not in use.
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