Dear All :
How can I make a copy from each email sent from my staff , and keep these copies in specific email box ?
So that If I have 3 staff ( with 3 email accounts in my Exchange 2000 )
I want when they are sending any emails to be also sent to specific email account ...
Can I do this ?
and how ?
Mohamed Farid
[green]Know Me No Pain , No Me Know Pain !!![/green]
How can I make a copy from each email sent from my staff , and keep these copies in specific email box ?
So that If I have 3 staff ( with 3 email accounts in my Exchange 2000 )
I want when they are sending any emails to be also sent to specific email account ...
Can I do this ?
and how ?
Mohamed Farid
[green]Know Me No Pain , No Me Know Pain !!![/green]