My computer isn’t working, when I cut on the switch the computer powers on but nothing shows up on the monitor, its receiving power but the monitor light stays orange.
Here’s the things I’ve done so far:
Changed power supply
Unplugged cables, memory, cpu, cards, and reinstalled them
Changed memory
Changed IDE and power cables
Changed Monitor
Changed hard drive
Reset CMOS
Switched from onboard Video adapter to AGP Video Card
Changed Motherboard
Changed CPU
I’ve done all these things and still nothing, The computer powers up fully, cpu/psu fans spin, front panel light is green, yet the monitor still isn’t displaying anything
Here’s the things I’ve done so far:
Changed power supply
Unplugged cables, memory, cpu, cards, and reinstalled them
Changed memory
Changed IDE and power cables
Changed Monitor
Changed hard drive
Reset CMOS
Switched from onboard Video adapter to AGP Video Card
Changed Motherboard
Changed CPU
I’ve done all these things and still nothing, The computer powers up fully, cpu/psu fans spin, front panel light is green, yet the monitor still isn’t displaying anything