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Monitor disabled 2

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Dec 11, 2001
here's a good one for everyone...

build a PC yesterday. All went well, but I had one problem in the monitor.

The monitor is a Samsung SyncMaster 171v
When the initial boot etc..went on, the monitor was working without the Driver from somsung, so I attempted to install the driver. I received a 259 error when attempting this install.

While in the adapter settings I set the device to disabled...do not use. derrr...must be tired from teh build.

To make a long story short.
The PC boots
Windows XP Pro screen starts
Then the monitor goes blank

The card is a
asus v9520/td geForce FX5200

Seems common sense says I just need to get the machine to recognize the monitor as a new device again..but then again that doesn't seem viable in the state it is in.

any ideas on how I can get the monitor back up? hardware is my short coming so I'm at a loss.

Thanks All!

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Okay after the boot begins but before the XP Pro Screen starts, try pressing F8. You want to get the boot menu to load up. Then select VGA Mode. This should bypass the video and use the most basic of video settings and hopefully that will work. If not you should then try the same procedure but choose safe mode. And btw you do not need a monitor driver with Windows XP in most cases as the monitor will be detected and just installed as a Plug and Play or Default. Unless this renders you with terrible video and its definitely the monitor doing it and not the video drivers, I'd just leave it. Also as you've realized don't disable that device, bad idea. Because the only other fix I can think of after those is a reinstall.

John D. Saucier
Certified Technician
Network Administrator
Hi bjsauce
I tried both Enable VGA Mode and Safe Mode.

Enable VGA Mode gives me the same results as above. Basically the Win splash comes up, but then after that initial load goes, the screen goes blank.

Safe Mode does something a little more interesting.
I get the listing of the drivers as they are install and the directories they are coming from, but then it stops on that screen with the listing. Nothing further occurs after that point. The screen never goes blank either though.

At this point, as the machine had nothing but the OS installed thus far, I am very open to a reinstall. But, I'm unsure on how to do this from the state I'm in rate now with it.

Thanks you very much for the reply and the help.

Extremely appreciated!

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Reinstalling would require that you boot the machine from the Windows XP cd. At this point its the only thing I can think of to do if the other options don't work.

John D. Saucier
Certified Technician
Network Administrator
Hi Again
When I boot from the Windows XP cd it starts up but then does pretty much nothing (hows that for a technical term)

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Sounds like the video board is set at a resolution that the system or monitor can't recognize. I had this once on a Compac I had to repair. I had to hook up to a different monitor that would recognize the resolution and set it back to 800x600. Do you have a different video board you can use for a tempory boot? Even a PCI would probably work. You can set the resolution lower and get back on to the see what's wrong. Remove the drivers for the GForce and start over.
Hi micker377
I thought of that, but didn't have the resources available to try it out. I even thought of trying to dummy terminal one of my laptops off as the new monitor.

First thank you to both micker377 ,jsauce !!
Your help gave me a bunch of places to start at.

The fix ended up being this final resolution...and in case others seek the same assistance

I cleared the RTC RAM
-remove the internal battery
-switched the jumper caps from 1-2 to 2-3
(I'm sure that is not all boards. this is a ASUS A7N8X-E Deluxe) waited a few seconds to clear and replaced the default configuration
-replace the battery (quickly as we know what happens if you leave that out to long)
-booted back up in CDROM
-reformatted (partitioned) the hard drive
-reinstalled windows

and here we are.

Now, the mistake I made in the first place. This is of course this system specific again I think.
I failed to install the ASUS V9520 drivers for the video FIRST. This killed the underwriting (flicker effect when draging windows) in the display. It was also part of what
micker377 mentioned in the resolution. The video card did not like the 800*600 that defaulted. It loves 1024* though :)

The samsung monitor doesn't need the drivers it came with at all. In fact they were haulted on load and errored out telling me basically to disable the defaulted drivers because it new they would cause conflicts. [lol]

end of story. my *very* awesome new machine is flying along.

Thanks again to you for the hand. It's fun asking a question and being on this end once and while. [smile]

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Its really too bad you had to go through all that to get it to work. I wish there had been an easier fix for it.

John D. Saucier
Certified Technician
Network Administrator
Hi jsauce, I know what you mean. If anything I have a very good state of mind knowing the proper drivers have been installed and the system is working to the best it can rate now. The one thing that really kept me thinking how I solved everything, was the fact the building of this machine was just done Friday night. It took a short 3 hours to get it all together and going and I was not that far into any major installs etc. as of yet.

now if I had all the things I was going to add, like
Office XP
IIS5 and 6
and on...

I think I would have gone a bit farther in a more none start from scratch scenario.

I can tell you all one thing though, I learned a bunch on the hardware side of things in the last 3 days that I will absolutely retain. hehe more then I probably needed to!!

Thanks again to both of you. [smile]
We're flying at light speed now. Much better the the Dell 4100 I've been working off of for the last 2 years [wink]

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