I need help to write a script that monitor my application server.pid. If fails then the script should autorestart the process. I am thinking to put this script in cron job.
Your script could be something as simple as it executes a ps, counts how many times your program appears, then runs a command if it does not appear in the ps listing. I would do it like this:
All you need to do is copy and paste the following lines into a blank file and run it on cron as often as you want.
# Written by: Bryan Pinos for a memeber of Tek Tips
# Date: March 26, 2003
# This program should be named entirely different than what
# you are searching for since it will be running in memory
# and could affect what it finds running in memorry.
# Place some sort of criteria in the variable pidname that
# can uniquely identify the pid command you want monitored.
# We must seacrh for greater than one since the grep command
# will contain what we are searching for.
if [ $numexists -gt 1 ]; then
echo "ALL IS WELL WITH: $pidname"
echo "*******Program needs restarted!!!********"
echo "Executing command"
# Place command to start your program here
A while ago, I developed a similar script to bpinos above. However, I found the method of determining whether the process is still running (by using `ps|grep` to be unsatisfactory. Instead, the process id is stored in a file at launch time and this is used by subsequent status checks.
#----script to launch a job and keep it running
EXEC_JOB="sleep 20" #----just an example
PID_FILE="/var/home/pid_file_sleep" #----or whatever
ps -p `cat $PID_FILE 2>&1` >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo launch executable in background
echo $! > $PID_FILE #----capture process id
echo process is still running ok
which is:
identifiere (uniq combination of 1-4 characters)
runlevel (multiuser+nework, X11)
action (respawn: restart, whenever it terminates)
process (your script)
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