Okay, I'm currently stumped on a coding issue I have. Right now I am migrating a database from an mdb to an accdb and an important bit of code now no longer works. essentially what the code does is take data from fields in 2 separate table, adds file extensions to them and then combines this info (comma separated) back into one of the tables.
The issue I'm having is that when I run the code on the new accdb it stops and brings up an error message; Compile error: method or data member not found. and it then highlights the first instance of the .edit command in the code.
So I would really appreciate if you guys could help me figure out why this isn't working any more (and why it worked in an mdb and not an accdb). And hopefully help me with a solution to this issue. Here is the code, minus extraneous update queries that run at the end.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Function raweditmerge() As Boolean
'This code is for when the field has no DB and does editing and submittal on the PDA
Dim MyTable As String
Dim db As database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim strsql As String
Dim strsql2 As String
Dim strsql3 As String
Dim strColumn1 As String
Dim strColumn2 As String
Dim strColumn3 As String
Dim strColumn4 As String
On Error Resume Next
'Then we tun off the warnings
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
'This query adds the xyz files into the dataset table
strsql = "UPDATE Data_Editing_Table, Dataset_Table SET Dataset_Table.XYZ_Filenames = [Data_Editing_Table].[XYZ_Filenames] WHERE (((Dataset_Table.Dataset_ID)=[Data_Editing_Table].[Dataset_ID]))"
DoCmd.RunSQL strsql
'sets current database and recordset
MyTable = "Dataset_Table"
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(MyTable, dbOpenDynaset)
'now we start combining the Raw and xyz filenames into the one field and add their extensions
If Not rs.BOF And Not rs.EOF Then
strColumn1 = rs!Raw_Filenames
strColumn2 = rs!XYZ_Filenames
strColumn3 = rs!Dataset_ID
strColumn4 = rs!Repeatability_ID
'This Section actually inputs the Filenames
Do Until rs.EOF
strColumn1 = rs!Raw_Filenames
strColumn2 = rs!XYZ_Filenames
strColumn3 = rs!Dataset_ID
strColumn4 = rs!Repeatability_ID
If strColumn3 = rs!Dataset_ID Then
'it first tells it to associate by dataset_id
If rs!Redo_Collection = 0 Then
strColumn1 = Replace(strColumn1, ",", ".m61,")
strColumn2 = Replace(strColumn2, ",", ".xyz,")
'Update my Temp field
rs!Temp = strColumn1 & ".m61, " & strColumn4 & ".m61, " & strColumn2 & ".xyz"
End If
'Rest all the strColumn's to null
strColumn1 = ""
strColumn2 = ""
strColumn3 = ""
strColumn4 = ""
If rs!Redo_Collection = 0 Then
strColumn1 = Replace(strColumn1, ",", ".m61,")
strColumn2 = Replace(strColumn2, ",", ".xyz,")
'Update my Temp field
rs!Temp = strColumn1 & ".m61, " & strColumn4 & ".m61, " & strColumn2 & ".xyz"
End If
End If
End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
'This query then adds the fields from the temp column into the editing table
strsql2 = "UPDATE Dataset_Table, Data_Editing_Table SET Data_Editing_Table.RawEditFiles = [Dataset_Table].[Temp] WHERE (((Data_Editing_Table.Dataset_ID)=[Dataset_Table].[Dataset_ID]) AND ((Dataset_Table.Temp) Is Not Null))"
'This query clears out the temp column
strsql3 = "UPDATE Dataset_Table SET Dataset_Table.Temp = ''"
DoCmd.RunSQL strsql2
DoCmd.RunSQL strsql3
'Turns warngins back on
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Function
-Thanks in advance for any help on this.
The issue I'm having is that when I run the code on the new accdb it stops and brings up an error message; Compile error: method or data member not found. and it then highlights the first instance of the .edit command in the code.
So I would really appreciate if you guys could help me figure out why this isn't working any more (and why it worked in an mdb and not an accdb). And hopefully help me with a solution to this issue. Here is the code, minus extraneous update queries that run at the end.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Function raweditmerge() As Boolean
'This code is for when the field has no DB and does editing and submittal on the PDA
Dim MyTable As String
Dim db As database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim strsql As String
Dim strsql2 As String
Dim strsql3 As String
Dim strColumn1 As String
Dim strColumn2 As String
Dim strColumn3 As String
Dim strColumn4 As String
On Error Resume Next
'Then we tun off the warnings
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
'This query adds the xyz files into the dataset table
strsql = "UPDATE Data_Editing_Table, Dataset_Table SET Dataset_Table.XYZ_Filenames = [Data_Editing_Table].[XYZ_Filenames] WHERE (((Dataset_Table.Dataset_ID)=[Data_Editing_Table].[Dataset_ID]))"
DoCmd.RunSQL strsql
'sets current database and recordset
MyTable = "Dataset_Table"
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(MyTable, dbOpenDynaset)
'now we start combining the Raw and xyz filenames into the one field and add their extensions
If Not rs.BOF And Not rs.EOF Then
strColumn1 = rs!Raw_Filenames
strColumn2 = rs!XYZ_Filenames
strColumn3 = rs!Dataset_ID
strColumn4 = rs!Repeatability_ID
'This Section actually inputs the Filenames
Do Until rs.EOF
strColumn1 = rs!Raw_Filenames
strColumn2 = rs!XYZ_Filenames
strColumn3 = rs!Dataset_ID
strColumn4 = rs!Repeatability_ID
If strColumn3 = rs!Dataset_ID Then
'it first tells it to associate by dataset_id
If rs!Redo_Collection = 0 Then
strColumn1 = Replace(strColumn1, ",", ".m61,")
strColumn2 = Replace(strColumn2, ",", ".xyz,")
'Update my Temp field
rs!Temp = strColumn1 & ".m61, " & strColumn4 & ".m61, " & strColumn2 & ".xyz"
End If
'Rest all the strColumn's to null
strColumn1 = ""
strColumn2 = ""
strColumn3 = ""
strColumn4 = ""
If rs!Redo_Collection = 0 Then
strColumn1 = Replace(strColumn1, ",", ".m61,")
strColumn2 = Replace(strColumn2, ",", ".xyz,")
'Update my Temp field
rs!Temp = strColumn1 & ".m61, " & strColumn4 & ".m61, " & strColumn2 & ".xyz"
End If
End If
End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
'This query then adds the fields from the temp column into the editing table
strsql2 = "UPDATE Dataset_Table, Data_Editing_Table SET Data_Editing_Table.RawEditFiles = [Dataset_Table].[Temp] WHERE (((Data_Editing_Table.Dataset_ID)=[Dataset_Table].[Dataset_ID]) AND ((Dataset_Table.Temp) Is Not Null))"
'This query clears out the temp column
strsql3 = "UPDATE Dataset_Table SET Dataset_Table.Temp = ''"
DoCmd.RunSQL strsql2
DoCmd.RunSQL strsql3
'Turns warngins back on
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Function
-Thanks in advance for any help on this.