Delphi6 seems ready to accept the following ....
procedure TParentDM.IBFatherDataSetAfterScroll(DataSet: TDataSet);
IBFatherDataSet.ModifySQL.Strings 'UpdateTRNSFR + set + P_NO =:FATHERP_NO';
but I get a "(" expected but string constant found" exception ... with the cursor
located immediately after FATHERP_NO .. but before the ";".
Can anyone please tell me what is wrong with the above?
procedure TParentDM.IBFatherDataSetAfterScroll(DataSet: TDataSet);
IBFatherDataSet.ModifySQL.Strings 'UpdateTRNSFR + set + P_NO =:FATHERP_NO';
but I get a "(" expected but string constant found" exception ... with the cursor
located immediately after FATHERP_NO .. but before the ";".
Can anyone please tell me what is wrong with the above?