In VFP 6.0 is there a way to remove "Preview" and "Data Enviroment" from the View menu that is dislayed when modifying a report.
I know how to modify the system menu _MSYSMENU and about SYS(2013) which displays many of the system menu names but not the ones I am looking for. It seems that I would need to redefine POPUP _VIEW to just include; the toolbars Report Controls, Layout Controls, and Color Controls, and Grid Lines and Show Position. Is there anyway to do this?
I know how to modify the system menu _MSYSMENU and about SYS(2013) which displays many of the system menu names but not the ones I am looking for. It seems that I would need to redefine POPUP _VIEW to just include; the toolbars Report Controls, Layout Controls, and Color Controls, and Grid Lines and Show Position. Is there anyway to do this?