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Modifying Job: Arcserve manager disappears

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Mar 7, 2002

I am using Arcserve2000 SP3 on W2K SP2 with all the latest patches till today. I change the security settings on the exchange backup agent for bricks level backup. After pressing 'run/schedule'. The job is validating but at the end, Arcserve disappears. If I restart the Arcserve Manager and verify the security on the bricks level agent, i didn't change to the correct settings.
I already applied this patch. I recopied the ASM_DT.dll The problem still persist. I verified the eventlog/applications: no Dr Watson.
Strange, I had the exact same problem that you described and the patch fixed my problem. Iam trying to think if I did anything else. Is that the only job it's happening to? What about deleting the job and recreating it(only a workaround). Also create another test job and see if you can modify it successfully. Keep us informed.
I did some test:

If I select or deselect some folder or files and submit the job, there is no problem.
If I include the Information Store in the job, Arcserve disappears when submitting the job. It works with bricks level.
I have the same problem. I thought I was "special", this appears to be a bug that needs to be brought to CAs attention. You are right "BlowIT" there are no errors logged, the manager just simply disappears. It doesn't even close down, just "bloop" (technicle term) and it's gone.

I found that if I was trying to setup the Exchange Agent setting shown under the server name, under Client Agents, this would happen everytime. I finally removed the server and re-added it to the list, but this time I setup the NT Client agaent to use an IP rather than WINS/DNS even though the Option Guide tells you to use WINS/DNS. By setting it this way it does not look at the Exchange Agent. It still shows up but somehow it looks at the agents differently, so that it won't "conflict" and disappear.

I then proceeded to setup the Exchange Agent by using the Exchange reference shown at the bottom of the list of machines and agents. The one that says "Exchange Organization", then I selected the appropriate server (we have 4) and configured the agent(s) as you normally would; so far no further problems.

Just as a side note I installed Outlook 98 (for total compatibility), BackOffice Resource Kit Second Edition and Exchange Admin on this box so that there would be no doubt of the connection to Exchange.
I spoke to soon. Now no matter how I access Exchange ArcServe admin vanishes about 20 seconds after I go to modify the job, whether it be a new or existing one.
I had the same problem. I solved it by creating new jobs without "Exchange Organization", then copy this job to .bak jobs (example: monday and monday.bak) Then edit monday.bak, add exchange organization, and save as monday. every time I need to modify my jobs I delete the job, add the .bak job and modify the job and then add exchange organization and save only as without .bak.


I did some more digging and found that the "disappearing act" is actually an Access Violation. If you look at the log created by good old Dr. Watson (drwtsn32.log) you will see an entry created everytime ArcServe does this. I went to CA's site and re-downloaded the Dr. Watson fix (QO04949.caz), applied it, and still had the same thing happen. Now my job is failing to clear the log files when the backup is complete.
I called CA tech support and they had me blow away all CA products on the exchange server and then re-install. I tried to tell them the issue was not there, but they insisted. I humored them at our expense; anyway, they have no idea. I did let them know that this was not an isolated issue, that it was something several users are experiencing. They really didn't seem to care. Their solution was to backup Exchange via the Network Browser or the Client Agent section. If you use the Client Agent method make sure that you remove and then re-add your Exchange server to the client list using WINS/DNS NOT manual IP, or you won't see an Exchange option under the server properties. Good Luck All with a similar issue. If you have a support agreement give CA a call maybe if enough people call they will realize this is a major issue.
They know it's an issue.....

And of course this occurs with exchange backups, hence forth application of the latest bricklevel patch on top of SP3 should solve it... QO13760.CAZ (to the exchange agent please)

Also, the Dr.Watson fix is when a Dr.Watson occurs in asmgr.exe anywhere within the program.... not just centralised around the exchange job (i.e. modifying, submitting, creating, etc...)


Already applied that patch. Did that with CA technical support. Everything is up to date as stated earlier.
oh, ok then, I withdraw my sarcasm....

Can I ask how many preferred shares you have in the job? I have seen this issue before with preferred shares as well.



I have 2 jobs setup. One is for all the File/Data related servers, and the other is for Application related servers, such as Exchange and SQL. The File related job runs without a hitch, all connectivity is done through the NT client agent and Open files Agent. The Application job however, runs fine (via Client Agents, Open File Agents, and specific product agents e.g. Exhcange/SQL), but won't let you modify it. I even made a new job that simply backs up Exchange only, it too won't allow you to modify.

CA's suggestion to "get" to the Exchange server is via the Network Browser within AS manager, that does work, but I have had minor issues in the past doing restores from backups that are run this way.

You can also select the Exchange server from the Client Agents List, as long as the server is being connected to via WINS/DNS. Only with WINS/DNS selected will the Exchange "option" under the server name appear. This approach works with modifying and backing up.

In essance there is nothing to really complain about, the "issue" is resolved, by using a different method to connect to Exchange. The fact still remains, however, that the way CA says to backup Exchange causes the "modify crash". By using the Exchange Organization listing under the choices in AS Manager/Backup Manager as CA instructs in their manual the backup will work fine, but you have to make sure you get your job just the way you want it the first time, no modifying. Maybe we can hope for a patch in the next SP and/or by moving to the next edition of ArcServe aka Bright-Store. Until then, the more people that complain perhaps the sooner CA will realize it is a major issue.

I suppose that's what happens when you don't change the underlying functionality of a product since it's inception. Just adding some new features and a nice GUI doesn't help. Great Product once it's running, it's just getting there that is painfull. (stepping down from the soapbox now). [peace]
Final Note:

I just spoke with someone at CA that actually knew the product. He said that despite what the option guide shows/says it is meant only for people that are running Exchange on the same box as ArcServe. If you have a remote Exchange server (seperate servers), you should backup Exchange through the Network Browser option under your Source list. The Exchange Organization listing under sources is only meant to be for local backups with AS and Exchange on the same box.

Long story short... why didn't they just put that in the Option Guide.... Use Network for remote and use Exchange Org. for local only. Your problems should then be solved.

hahaha..... yeah logix man....

The next version of ARCserve wont be Brightstor.... Brigthstor is apparently a brandname and Enterprise Backup as well as arcserve fall underneath it as two seperate products.

I agree with you though, there is nothing seemless about the installation and configuration of the exchange agent. I shudder to think of how hard it was back when there were no patches and servicepacks...


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