I have a CR.NET report (running from ASP.NET VB) that shows a graph on it, among other things.
When the graph loads then I need the min val of the data axis to be 1 less than the lowest value been shown on the report. The report can work out what the lowest value either by using the a formula field or by me passing it an appropriate value - either way. Likewise the max val for the data axis needs to be 1 higher than highest value. An example data value range is between 14.5 and 17.0.
Using VB.NET I am able to get the chart object, but there are no options for me to mod the graph.
Dim chartObj As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ChartObject = crSubData.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects.Item("GraphR"
Anybody got any ideas??
I have a CR.NET report (running from ASP.NET VB) that shows a graph on it, among other things.
When the graph loads then I need the min val of the data axis to be 1 less than the lowest value been shown on the report. The report can work out what the lowest value either by using the a formula field or by me passing it an appropriate value - either way. Likewise the max val for the data axis needs to be 1 higher than highest value. An example data value range is between 14.5 and 17.0.
Using VB.NET I am able to get the chart object, but there are no options for me to mod the graph.
Dim chartObj As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ChartObject = crSubData.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects.Item("GraphR"
Anybody got any ideas??