I have the code below in my Excel Macro to convert time from values like 11am (or 2pm) to 11:00:00 AM (or 2:00:00 PM). My end users want this data on a webpage sorted by time and these values don't work for that. I had issues with sorting these times on a webpage MySQL query and found that things work better if I use military time values in the tables.
So times for this spreadsheet should now be 11:00:00 (or 14:00:00) so they sort properly. I've got them converting back to the proper format using the webpage php.
Thank you all for your help.
For Each r In Range("C2:C" & Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(x1Up).Row)
a = Split(r.Value, "am")
If IsNumeric(a(0)) Then
r.Value = TimeSerial(a(i), 0, 0)
a = Split(r.Value, "pm")
If a(0) = "12" Then a(0) = "0"
r.Value = TimeSerial(a(0) + 12, 0, 0)
End If
So times for this spreadsheet should now be 11:00:00 (or 14:00:00) so they sort properly. I've got them converting back to the proper format using the webpage php.
Thank you all for your help.