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Modernizing the web development dept - XML, XSLT ??

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Sep 28, 2001
Hi there Ive recently started work at a small to medium sized web dev company. At College I had the fortune to get to play with XML, XSL, XSLT etc.. My new company however is somewhat a little set in their ways.

-Background tech-
The company uses a mixture of Java Struts (application dev dept works on this) with basic html code creating the actual content (web dev dept works on this).
-/Background tech-

The one thing that annoys me about this is in larger projects where there is a definite structure to the data that is used (e.g. newspaper articles, patient information) the web dev dept still finds itself having to constantly change each page.

-Ideal scenario-
What would be nice is just to have a server side XSL transform to take care of this therefore when changes to the overall site need to occur the web people only have to edit one or two pages. Instead of hundreds.

Currently we do use includes etc... for menus, navigation etc.. im more interested in what we could do with the data displayed so we could preserve it.

-/Ideal scenario-

Again the Struture of the company has a traditional web and application developer split .. any ideas on how we could give more responsibly for to the web devs so they do more than just basic html stuff.

-additional Q -
Finally if somone could point me towards a jsp xslt guide that would be fantasic. I am at current only familar with client side transforms at present.
-/additional Q -

I appreciate any thoughts advice .. thanks for reading
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