Any ideas why a SLT connected to a 012 card (Legend 4.2V6.1) can get a dial tone by dialing "9" while an internal computer modem only sporadically gets a dial tone?
Sometimes what you "hear" on a modem isn't actually what the modem "hears". If it won't call out, it's probably the modem.
Hi ehowe787,
Did you put a pause in the dial string to wait for an outside line? Otherwise you will blast the first few digits into space. Sometimes the timing will alow you to get your digits out, that may be why it's intermittent.
Make sure you set the internal dial tone to "external" so that it resembles the dialtone of a CO. The dial tone on the Merlin IIs and Legends are defaulted to the "Merlin Internal Dialtone."
You should look for the setting, "Intercom Dial Tone" or something to that effect and select external.
I've had experience where some modems did not recognize the AT&T/Lucent factory dialtone, but rather a simulated CO tone.
Thanks for the suggestions. No luck. Maybe it is the modems, but it happens on two out of three workstatons. The one that works often requires a redial, failing to connect on the first attempt.
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