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Modem transmission

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Jun 19, 2001
Can FPW2.6 open a modem; dial a connection; and then
transmit a txt file created with the Report Writer?
If it can do this, will it make a difference if the
modem is a standard one or DSL?
No, Fox 2.6 for windows can not directly open Communications Ports. (There may be some 3rd party Libarary out there that has that capability, but FOPEN() can not address COMx ports directly). DSL does not use starndard COM's for identification, which on the whole is irrelevant, because they can't be opened direcly either.
However, all is not lost... If you report is output as direct text, you can write that to a file, place it in a specific directory, with a standard name, and deal with it outside of FoxPro. Fox does give you the ability to output report forms to text files. You can simpley issue the following:


Fill in the blanks as apporpriate. Then, if you have the same filename, output to the same location every time, you can then use some scheduling software outside of FoxPro to look for that file (or a change in the file's date/time stamp), and have that automatically dial a modem, or e-mail it to a location you desire. The file can then be either viewed/printed/processed, whatever you need to from there.

If this is really to be a text file, there are a couple of other options. Instead of using a report form, simply copy records you need to a text file with COPY TO FILE.TXT FOR <Criteria> SDF, which will create a fixed length text file, in columner format (No field headings, which may or may not be useful to you as well...)

If you do need the format, however, I would recommned ensuring you are creating it with a &quot;Text Only&quot; printer driver. Otherwise, you will wind up with all sorts of print codes specific to the driver type you are using. Windows has a &quot;Text Only&quot; print driver that you can install for exactly this reason.

Best of luck, and please let me know if this has helped you.
Does the connection on the other end have FTP ability?
if Yes

check out Webdrive can connect to as many ftp server as you want and transfer files with DOS / FPW commands.

David W. Grewe
you can send strings to com ports with fopen and dial,send data ect... problem is you have to have the control control codes for you modem.
It cannot use the Windows comms routine in itself, but you can call acomms program from within FoxPro 2.6. You can PC Anywhere III, if you can still find a copy and have a modem compatible with its list. The remote command line is RUN ATERM (phone number) and you use RUN ASEND file names.

I think you can also script PC Anywhere 9.

If you have fixed file names which you wish to transmit on a regular basis, the best way now is to create an upload/download facility on a web site.

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