I have used black BOX adaptater to connect two machines in a cluster HACMP with Fiber Channel multi-mode between two buildings for the hearbeat.
Machine 1-RS232<>Black BOX>< FC -><Black BOX<>RS232-Machine 2
If you need more distance i think that you have to use HAGEO.
I don't think I made my requirement clear - so here we go.
I would like to use a combination of HA/CMP and HAGEO to provide resiliance between two sites. The customer has dedicated cabling betweent the sites and I want to know if the HA/CMP heartbeat can be connected via modem links. The modems will be leased line and not dial up so we will not be establishing and dropping the connection.
Well in this case you have only to keep in mind that in a normal configuration they are connected by a cross cable. So, because of the transparence insured by the modems, you have only to cross the cable at one side.
Problem could be in the line speed, if your modems provide an high line speed you should be ok
if i understand you correctly , you want to use your modems for heartbeat , normally you have
your network cards as heartbeats and depending on what you use for your serial or non-ip heartbeat you can use SSA disk / scsi / rs232
In hageo the modem is used for Dial Back Safe i.e. if all your primary networks became unavailable , then the modem will be used to dial the sites to see whether a connection can be established , normally the non-primary site will contact the primary site
SO depending on your configuration , i.e. say one resource you'll have a heartbeat for boot/service NIC and one for Standby and one for non ip i.e. disk or serial
if you already have a non-ip heartbeat is this disk ?
with serial interface you have to define an adapter definiton i.e. tty?
if you can access the tty from each server i.e open tty
port from one server and write to port from the other
you should be o.k
Note :- if all your ip networks fail , the service will not fail over , if your ip and non-ip networks fail then your services will fail over
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