I am probably missing the obvious. So hope someone can point me in the right direction. I currently run an Rs6000 44p-170 with a Power 3 333Mhz CPU and 1.2GB RAM. At the moment I run the machine on a base level copy of AIX 5.3 with an X-windows console (GNOME, KDE, CDE). The issue I am currently facing is the following:
When I install SP5-TL6 (After obtaining it from here: and then reboot the entire X-windows login screen fails to appear. Instead I just get the Egg-Timer and nothing else. But I can Telnet onto the system wioth out issue, and nothing is showing in the Errpt. Someone mentioned that the system can only be upped to TL4. Can anyone tell me where if this is true? And if possible provide me with the link to where I can find out about this?
Thanx in advance.
I am probably missing the obvious. So hope someone can point me in the right direction. I currently run an Rs6000 44p-170 with a Power 3 333Mhz CPU and 1.2GB RAM. At the moment I run the machine on a base level copy of AIX 5.3 with an X-windows console (GNOME, KDE, CDE). The issue I am currently facing is the following:
When I install SP5-TL6 (After obtaining it from here: and then reboot the entire X-windows login screen fails to appear. Instead I just get the Egg-Timer and nothing else. But I can Telnet onto the system wioth out issue, and nothing is showing in the Errpt. Someone mentioned that the system can only be upped to TL4. Can anyone tell me where if this is true? And if possible provide me with the link to where I can find out about this?
Thanx in advance.