I am using apache's mod_proxy to load balance 3 tomcat servers that have 2 different apps on them. One of the applications works fine, but the other one gives a 404 error. To make sure it was load balancing correctly, I installed an instance.txt in the webapps/aalTA and aal_pa subdirectories. When I try the aal_pa application, I see the load balancing is working correctly. When I try the aalTA application instance.txt, again I get the 404 error. I can get to both applications directly, so all is working there.
When I go to the aalTA application using the load balancing, the error message from Tomcat is
"The requested resource (/aalTA/servlet/LayoutMgr%3FLAYOUT=/aal/aalApp1_login/instance.txt) is not available."
When I go to directly, the URL does not change. When I go to directly, it automatically adds "servlet/LayoutMgr?LAYOUT=/aal/aalApp1_login" to the end of the URL.
Platform: Redhat Enterprise Linux 4
Apache Version: 2.2.9
Tomcat Version: 5.5.25
When I go to the aalTA application using the load balancing, the error message from Tomcat is
"The requested resource (/aalTA/servlet/LayoutMgr%3FLAYOUT=/aal/aalApp1_login/instance.txt) is not available."
When I go to directly, the URL does not change. When I go to directly, it automatically adds "servlet/LayoutMgr?LAYOUT=/aal/aalApp1_login" to the end of the URL.
Platform: Redhat Enterprise Linux 4
Apache Version: 2.2.9
Tomcat Version: 5.5.25