I have some experience with NetWorker for Windows using the NetWorker Administrator GUI for some years.
Now I am interested in using the command line utilities to generate some reports.
NetWorker Server:
Windows NT 4.0 Server, SP6a
NetWorker for Windows 6.1.1
My first trial was with mminfo. As far as I have to notice queries on EQUAL "=" against attributes with a value range of "time" won't work ...
Sample within DOS Box on NetWorker Server:
volume - the volume name
olabel - the first time the volume was labeled
>mminfo -a -r "volume, olabel" -q "volume = TES097"
volume orig lbl
TES097 10/01/97
That's fine, but ...
>mminfo -a -r "volume, olabel" -q "olabel = 10/01/97"
mminfo: no matches found for the query
is not the response that I am awaiting.
It seems that other comparators like <, >, <= are working, but not "=" ...
Thanks for any advice
Now I am interested in using the command line utilities to generate some reports.
NetWorker Server:
Windows NT 4.0 Server, SP6a
NetWorker for Windows 6.1.1
My first trial was with mminfo. As far as I have to notice queries on EQUAL "=" against attributes with a value range of "time" won't work ...
Sample within DOS Box on NetWorker Server:
volume - the volume name
olabel - the first time the volume was labeled
>mminfo -a -r "volume, olabel" -q "volume = TES097"
volume orig lbl
TES097 10/01/97
That's fine, but ...
>mminfo -a -r "volume, olabel" -q "olabel = 10/01/97"
mminfo: no matches found for the query
is not the response that I am awaiting.
It seems that other comparators like <, >, <= are working, but not "=" ...
Thanks for any advice