I have networker 5.5.1 running on an NT 4.0 SP6 server.
(We are due to upgrade to v 6.1.1 networker.)
I have written a series of scripts that will clone individual clients. I am using the "mminfo" command to gather the saveset info for the clients but this week things have gone pair shaped....
The command is:
mminfo -t "last week" -r "ssid, client, name, level, -q "client=****" -q "level=full" >c:\mminfo.out
I then run: nsrclone -S -f c:\mminfo.out to perform the clone job.
The mminfo should give me a result of all savesets generated during the last week for client **** However, it is only returning /usr as having been backed up on the Unix box. If I fire up a recover session on the Unix client, I am able to browse the last full backup with no problems, which suggests that the client indexes are OK.
Is this a problem with the media database or is there a known issue with mminfo?
(We are due to upgrade to v 6.1.1 networker.)
I have written a series of scripts that will clone individual clients. I am using the "mminfo" command to gather the saveset info for the clients but this week things have gone pair shaped....
The command is:
mminfo -t "last week" -r "ssid, client, name, level, -q "client=****" -q "level=full" >c:\mminfo.out
I then run: nsrclone -S -f c:\mminfo.out to perform the clone job.
The mminfo should give me a result of all savesets generated during the last week for client **** However, it is only returning /usr as having been backed up on the Unix box. If I fire up a recover session on the Unix client, I am able to browse the last full backup with no problems, which suggests that the client indexes are OK.
Is this a problem with the media database or is there a known issue with mminfo?