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MM-MAS service will not stay up

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May 4, 2007
Hi. I copied this older thread looking to see the resolution. I am running into the exact same problem, but I am installing Avaya Storage. Any suggestions?

ayavauser (TechnicalUser) 8 Apr 08 6:46
MM-MAS service will not stay up

Installing MM3.1 behind exchange 2003 - DCT tool completes all the way until the last portion ( MAS ) able to set static - enable dns - join domain - intstall 3 rd party software ( management tools , Management tools Sp2 , MSDE - install MM services -

but just keeps retrying the MAS portion - I see something real quick flash about RPC ( Remote Procedure Call )but its goes to quickly ( waited 15 to 20 mins before cancelling out )

I ran the gvconfig.exe and its says it may take a while and then reports the MM-MAS service did not start in a timely fashion - ( this makes sense as the MM-MAS service never stays up )

* All MM Services are are up and running except MM-MAS

If try and start the MM-MAS service I get :
* The MM Messaging Application Server Service on the local computer started and then stopped . Some services stop automatically if they have no work to do , for example , the performance logs and alerts service

If If look at its settings / MM MAS - Dependencies -

Event Log
MM Fault Monitor
Remote Procedure Call. ( RPC )

I have reloaded the MM 3 times and and deployed the DCT tool 3 times and comes back with same failed condition - this is a new one on me as I have seen issues in the past with permissions and accounts cause issues also ran the gvconfig.exe in the past , but it at least lets you enter the Peer Mail and Peer Directory before failing and then tells you to look at advanced exchange - rights , accounts , permissions . ( makes sense as the MM -MAS has to be up in order for it to do that )

Avaya approved the planning form & DCT tool

cheers : )


KenMeans (Vendor) 8 Apr 08 7:18
what type of ports are you using to the PBX / The MAS serice will stop if it has 0 ports in it.
Ken Means

"I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have."
- Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

ayavauser (TechnicalUser) 8 Apr 08 9:00
IP trunking ( Avaya IP H323 ) - MM3.1 so it will be 30 ports

When loading DCT tool - it gets to the part with dialogics and says something along the lines of " its not needed for integration type "

cheers: )


texeric (MIS) 8 Apr 08 9:14
This is obviously an Avaya hardware server if it's actually modifying the DNS, IP etc. You said you reloaded MM 3 times, but have you reloaded the entire server (OS on up)?

KenMeans (Vendor) 8 Apr 08 9:57
After it fails will it let you in the VMSC ?
Ken Means

"I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have."
- Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

ayavauser (TechnicalUser) 8 Apr 08 12:11
texeric - as noted above you are correct its Avaya provided MAS - also loaded MM3.1 software 3 times each ( 3CDs ) time before redeploying the DCT Tool as noted in the post -

Ken -
no as the MM-MAS is not running so it says to check thats its running -

this one has me stumped - never run into this one

thank you both for the posts !



texeric (MIS) 8 Apr 08 13:58
Again, have you reloaded from the OS on up? If you keep doing something 3 times and the sam result happens, then obviously you need to try something different.

ayavauser (TechnicalUser) 8 Apr 08 23:01
texeric - you make sense but isn't the OS reloaded in the 3 CD process with the boot files ? as its ships with the boot software CDs and other CD case contains the Avaya Software & Language and MM services( used for loading the MSDE portion in the install 3rd party software )

again thanks for the post



texeric (MIS) 9 Apr 08 9:06
yes if you are using the boot CD/DVDs then yes you are reloading the OS.

A few more questions..
- After the OS is loaded, are you doing anything inbetween the loading of the OS from boot CD/DVD and the actual installation of the MM product?
- Are there computer objects in your corporate AD for these servers? If so, are you deleting them each time you are trying to reload the server?
- It may seem like a stupid question, but is the corporate LAN segment physically connected to the correct corporate LAN NIC on the back of the server(s)?

ayavauser (TechnicalUser) 9 Apr 08 11:33
after the reload - change the name of the voice mail domain to some other then what was set in the failed attempt

don't even see the octel container in the root - looking at the MMREP.XML shows its not to that point -

yes - double checked the we are connected to the corp lan on the MAS and we are also on the correct data vlan ( this was one of the first things I checked after failed attempt # 1 )

texeric (MIS) 9 Apr 08 12:49
I would never change the VMD name unless there was a problem in the VMD object that was created the previously.

You won't see the Octel container unless you view advanced properties in your ADUCs, unless it hadn't been created yet. But yeah you're right it's probably not even to that point yet.

You still need to find out if the computer objects exist in the domain in AD because you might have problems joining a machine to the domain where that name already exists. I usually have the machine object created ahead of time in the domain with the customer account given rights to add join it during the install. From your initial post this may be where you are hanging up.

ayavauser (TechnicalUser) 9 Apr 08 16:03
looked under advanced also checked the mmrep.xml and saw that it was not up to that point with the octel container being created

The Computer object ( by that you mean the server for the MAS as indicated in the Host Name ) was created a few days before I first tried to deploy the DCT Tool as was the cust acct with permissions to join the domain - just did an install 2 weeks ago and ran into a few minor bumps but nothing like this.

The Object is built the domain - servers - CBDCMAS01

I also looked at 3 other sites with exchange and they are added as servers as well -

cheers : )

again thanks for the post -

texeric (MIS) 9 Apr 08 17:22
you may want to delete that computer account in AD then retry your install, forcing the install to join machine to the domain. Which will create a new computer account in AD.
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