There are 8 no. of tapes in which the mksysb backup has been taken. The OS version is mixed flavour. AIX 4.3.3 ML11 and also AIX 5.1 and AIX 5.2.6
I want to verify the data present in the tape.
mksysb -V /dev/rmt0 will that work ..? Or this will create new boot images and only verify.
Please confirm .
I want to just verify without taking mksysb.
Thanks ..
There are 8 no. of tapes in which the mksysb backup has been taken. The OS version is mixed flavour. AIX 4.3.3 ML11 and also AIX 5.1 and AIX 5.2.6
I want to verify the data present in the tape.
mksysb -V /dev/rmt0 will that work ..? Or this will create new boot images and only verify.
Please confirm .
I want to just verify without taking mksysb.
Thanks ..