When phone A transfers a call to phone B, after phone B hangs up after conversation it rings back to phone A. Anyone have a clue why this is happening? These are ground start lines.
Duff" as used in this context is British slang meaning "defective"
In other words, replace phone "B" and try again. The problem could also be inadvertent switchook bounce as a result of user error.
We saw this scenario easily duplicated where the end user was performing a two-fisted hangup procedure thereby causing and unintentional hookflash resulting in the call immediately ringing back to them, even when hanging up from a single party call. What was happening is the user was first depressing the switchook button with one finger of his left hand at the same moment he was placing the receiver back on the hook with his right hand. As he replaced the receiver he pulled out his finger a few miliseconds beforehand, resulting in the momentary (and errant) closure of the switchook contacts just as the receiver was going back on hook.
Resolution: Put left hand in pocket first. Hang up phone only with the right hand.
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