I am new to Mitel, I have just been on the initial installation course last week, and have not yet installed my first 5000. I just want to make sure I have the capabilities straight in my head before I need to discuss it with a customer. During the installation course, it was mentioned that remote access could be achieved either through IP or a modem connection; but no more information was given - I meant to ask the instructor to return to this before the end of the course, but with everything else I had to take in, it slipped my mind!
The method that we normally use for remote admin is via ISDN (Avaya IP Office, Panasonic TDA/TDE/NCP, LG ipLDK), using an "ISDN modem". Is this possible on the Mitel 5000, or do you need to use an analogue modem? Is this modem built into the system, or would it need to be an external modem? And how are calls pointed to the modem; does the system automatically recognise it as a data call (as the IP Office does), or does it need its own DDI pointed to a specific extension?
Also, with the IP connection, can this be done using port forwarding on the customer's router, or does it need a static external IP address or VPN connection?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Joe Newton
I am new to Mitel, I have just been on the initial installation course last week, and have not yet installed my first 5000. I just want to make sure I have the capabilities straight in my head before I need to discuss it with a customer. During the installation course, it was mentioned that remote access could be achieved either through IP or a modem connection; but no more information was given - I meant to ask the instructor to return to this before the end of the course, but with everything else I had to take in, it slipped my mind!
The method that we normally use for remote admin is via ISDN (Avaya IP Office, Panasonic TDA/TDE/NCP, LG ipLDK), using an "ISDN modem". Is this possible on the Mitel 5000, or do you need to use an analogue modem? Is this modem built into the system, or would it need to be an external modem? And how are calls pointed to the modem; does the system automatically recognise it as a data call (as the IP Office does), or does it need its own DDI pointed to a specific extension?
Also, with the IP connection, can this be done using port forwarding on the customer's router, or does it need a static external IP address or VPN connection?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Joe Newton