I have aloha ver 4.421 and have a problems with missing ticket numbers where items have been deleted. This does not show up as voids. Just ticket items missing. Is there a setting to prevent cashier from deleting items off and starting a new order?
Even if you do not give the employee access to void items, they can still delete the items on the check before it is closed. Where exactly are you seeing items missing, audit report?
I can not tell what items are deleted. I see missing ticket numbers in the sequence of tickets. Looking at reprint guest checks tickets are not listed. I have had employees delete items off a ticket to zero balance. For some reason this uses a ticket number. I would like to have mgr approval or create an overring for mistakes. Is there a place that deleted items would show up?
Deleted items show up under an audit report. Check "Cleared Items" in the options to view. You can only stop employees from deleting items that have already been ordered, if it has not been ordered yet, anyone can remove items from the check.
I checked and there is no cleared item selection. The problem is employees can ring in items and see a total amount. When a customer hand correct amount or does not need change the employee can delete the items out. It show as a missing ticket and I can not find a way to see what was deleted. The only avenue I have for verifying why a ticket is missing is scrolling through video.
Yeah, I guess with that older version you're out-of-luck. You would only be able to see what happened by viewing the trans.log, and besides Radiant themselves, only a few of us have the tools to view the older versions of the trans.log
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