I've searched this forum and I've searched Google but so far I've had little luck. I have a form that has several dropdowns that are populated from a MySQL DB. All is working well. Fill in one field and it pulls the data for the next. When you get to the bottom it has a submit button to go to the next page. All works great in IE, but the submit button does not show up in Mozilla (1.4.1 Linux) or Konqueror (3.1.4-7 Linux). Those are the only browsers I've tested with so far.
If I view source I can see the code for the button.
I'm sorry if this is just a noob mistake that I've missed.
If I view source I can see the code for the button.
<form name="myform" method="POST" action="placeorder.php">
Abstractor: <select name="agent_code" id="agent_code"><option value="">Select Abstractor...</option><br>
do {
<option value="<?php echo $row_agents['agent_code']?>"><?php echo $row_agents['fname']?> <?php echo $row_agents['lname']?></option><br>
} while ($row_agents = mysql_fetch_assoc($agents));
$rows = mysql_num_rows($agents);
if($rows > 0) {
mysql_data_seek($agents, 0);
$row_agents = mysql_fetch_assoc($agents);
<input type="submit" name="post_data" value="Submit" onclick="placeorder()" /><br>
I'm sorry if this is just a noob mistake that I've missed.