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Missing or Corrupt NTOSKRNL

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Technical User
Oct 30, 2001
A friend of mine is getting this error after trying to load the Last Known Good Configuration. "Missing or Corrupt NTOSKRNL. Please reinstall copy of above file." I was hoping someone could let me know how this is accomplished so I can help him out. Thanks in advance!
This will depend upon the operating system you are using. Usually on NT and WIn2000 you insert the boot disk and choose the repair option and it wil reinstall the system files. What operating system are you using?
This will depend upon the operating system you are using. Usually on NT and WIn2000 you insert the boot disk or operating system cd and choose the repair option and it wil reinstall the system files. What operating system are you using?
The file name is ntoskrnl.exe and resides in C:\WINDOWS\system32. There is a compressed copy NTOSKRNL.EX_ in C:\i386 or x:\i386 on the CD. Use the expand command to decompress it. There may be a copy in C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386 and/or in C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallQ317277$ if you have the folder. Mine in C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallQ317277$ is the original and the other 2 are updates.
The OS is XP. I'm not sure what to do once he gives me the cd with the ntoskrnl.exe file on it in order to restore it.
Did you do a file search of the hard drive? Did you look in the folders I mentioned:
C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386
C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallQ317277$ if you have the folder

Do you have the i386 folder on the C: drive?

On the CD, look for the i386 folder.

Go to Start, All Programs, Accessories, click on the Command Prompt icon.
If your CD drive is D: type D: and press Enter.
Type cd\i386 and press Enter.
Type expand ntoskrnl.ex_ c:\ntoskrnl.exe and press Enter.

This will place the file on the hard drive. Then you can copy it to C:\WINDOWS\system32.
Sorry, I wasn't completely clear. My friend's computer will not boot. It goes straight to that error screen upon bottup and even does so when trying to load the LKGConfiguration. I've never used XP. How do I replace this file when windown won't even start up? Also, I haven't had a chance to try anything until he brings his laptop over later in the week, but I thought I'd grab some advice in the meantime in case he's able to do it himself.
Unless you want to read up and research the Recovery Console it might be easier all round to just to boot from the XP CD (as long as it is not a OEM Recovery Disk) and run windows over itself and repair it that way.

HOW TO: Install and Use the Recovery Console for Windows XP (Q307654)

Try repairing windows by running it over itself. You will lose all your windows updates but your files will be untouched.


Boot from XP CD
(Windows will now load some temporary files)

Options after booting

*To Set Up Windows XP now press ENTER

*To Repair a Windows XP installation using Recovery Console, press R

*To Quit Setup without installing Windows XP, press F3

Press ENTER for first option (don't select Recovery Console)
(Accept Eula agreement)

Follow onscreen instructions to repair windows installation

How to Perform an In-Place Upgrade (Reinstallation) of Windows XP (Q315341)

How to Recover from a Corrupted Registry that Prevents Windows XP from Starting (Q307545)

If all you have is a Manufacturer's Recovery Disk a full format and re-install are the only options if you can't boot into Safe Mode or Recovery Console. Unless you can borrow a XP CD to get into Recovery Console or buy XP.
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