I just opened up a EPS file from a graphic artist that was sent to me with a folder containing the fonts. I cannot install the fonts in the folder on my machine. However when I try to open the EPS file, I get the following message: "This file contains text thast was created in a previous version of Illustrator. The legacy text myst be updated before you can edit it." (bullet) Choose Update to update the legacy text now. (bullet) Choose OK to update the text later. If I choose update, I get a prompt with says Font Problems. Avenir Heavy, BankGothic-Medium, and BankGothicBT-Medium are not found.
But if I continue it shows me the logo and allows me to type new text, edit the current text and displays that the fonts are being used in the character window. Why is this? I have also noticed that all of the "missing fonts" are listed in the character window, but they have an * behind them. Should I contact the artist to see if I can have her send me the fonts seperately rather than embeddeding them in the zip file that she emailed the logo in? Thanks!
But if I continue it shows me the logo and allows me to type new text, edit the current text and displays that the fonts are being used in the character window. Why is this? I have also noticed that all of the "missing fonts" are listed in the character window, but they have an * behind them. Should I contact the artist to see if I can have her send me the fonts seperately rather than embeddeding them in the zip file that she emailed the logo in? Thanks!