A Quebec customer is running French XP workstations connected to a Win 2003 server. I don't know if the specific network type (traditional LAN or Citrix, e.g.) Workstations are connected to network printers.
Our reports contain bar graphs. On his workstations, the bars do not appear. What has worked for every other customer is to re-load or change (from manufacturer to Windows or vice versa) the printer driver to correct this symptom.
The reports are developed using an HP 5 printer with the Microsoft driver. Paper size is 8.5x11 landscape orientation (prints fine on A4 paper, previews fine with A4 as default paper type).
Changing the drivers does NOT work for this customer. What should I be suspecting - the French Windows or the network?
Dan Walter
try { succeed(); } catch(E) { tryAgain(); } finally { rtfm(); }
A Quebec customer is running French XP workstations connected to a Win 2003 server. I don't know if the specific network type (traditional LAN or Citrix, e.g.) Workstations are connected to network printers.
Our reports contain bar graphs. On his workstations, the bars do not appear. What has worked for every other customer is to re-load or change (from manufacturer to Windows or vice versa) the printer driver to correct this symptom.
The reports are developed using an HP 5 printer with the Microsoft driver. Paper size is 8.5x11 landscape orientation (prints fine on A4 paper, previews fine with A4 as default paper type).
Changing the drivers does NOT work for this customer. What should I be suspecting - the French Windows or the network?
Dan Walter
try { succeed(); } catch(E) { tryAgain(); } finally { rtfm(); }