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Missed Calls on shared lines

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Aug 29, 2001
I have a branch office using 40 7970's. We have shared lines for the main number and other lines which are monitored are on multiple phones. Is it possible to have the missed calls directory only list calls that were for that phone rather than listing every missed call on the lines it shares and monitors?

Hope that makes sense


another downfall of the CallManager shared lines..
Does anybody know if this will be fixed soon as users keep thinking they have missed calls which obviously they dont
I'm not sure if CCM 4 resolves this or not..

I don't think it does..
I am using CCM4

I guess we wil have to wait!!!!
you should try not to use shared line on your main DN. I no it is not an answer to your question but you should try to avoid this. When you have people monitoring lines I am assuming you are talking about sec monitoring manager. Have you tried IPMA? really a nice feature that will eliminate all of your shared line problems.
How do you have your main number number coming in usually? We have the line presented on all 30 phones as everybody can pick it up. Hunt groups on ccm 4 would onlhy go to next avaiable agent and not ring on everybodys phone!

They then have 6 people on each desk. They want to see everybody who is on thier bank of desks lines when they are ringing and when they are on the phone. - Any other suggestions rather then doing that as a shared line?

What exactly can IPMA do

Thanks very much
just a little more info.. How are you handling busy and busy no answer?
It will ring on the other phones on that desk as they are allowed 5 calls in on that line.
csal, I think you have to run things the way you're already doing, at least certainly for the other team's phones in the banks of 6.

As far as the main line goes, a hunt group may be your best bet, using the new CM4.0 feature of "Broadcast Ring". That way, you add the various staff members phone numbers into a Hunt Group and set it to broadcast ring. A couple of things though - there would be no way to tell the difference between call to the main DDI and a call to your actual phone, other than the sound of 30 phones ringing. Also, not having used CM4.0 yet, I'm not sure if this will even fix your "missed call" problem.

I suppose you could put a new line on everyone's phone with made up (non-DDI) numbers which, like above, you put in a "Broadcast Ring" hunt group. Then at least you'll have visibility on whether a call is for you, or comes from the main line.

The missed call problem crops up for us too - we have about 10 secretaries who have 14 button side cars who look after everyone's line in their dept - they always see missed calls on their phones. Drives them nuts, and so, they drive me nuts...

IPMA stands for "IP Manager/Assistant" and basically it gives you the ability to set up a secretary for a bunch of managers - they get those manager's lines appearing on their phone and you get special features like Intercom and Forward to Voicemail that you don't get normally. Apparently it's quite nice...

Haven't used it myself though, since it hacks all your partitions and CSS's to make things work and we have a really complex parition/CSS setup for our Dealers here - around 250 of each. I haven't had the guts to let the IPMA Wizard loose on it yet.

I'm (hopefully) getting my CM4.0 test lab setup next week and I'll post back if I make any progress.
Have you configured Call Pickup Groups? You can put all the phones in the same Call Pickup Group. When the phone is ringin anyone in the same or different Call Pickup Group can answer the call that is how I setup small branch offices.
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