These are my outstanding questions, that is to say they are the statements that I think are probably wrong. Please can you help me to correct them?
True or False? If false – please say why!
1. An ODS stores data in non-relational format
2. Fact tables and dimension tables exist at the following levels: ODS, data warehouse, datamart
3. There is no difference between fact tables and reference tables.
4. There is no difference between dimension tables and dimensions
5. Like fact tables, dimensions are distinguished one from another by business process.
6. De-duplication happens at the datawarehouse layer , not the ODS.
7. In a datamart data is not stored in relational format.
8. The OLAP layer can only interface to a non-relational data structure like the datamart. It can’t interface to the data warehouse.
9. HOLAP is always the best of the OLAP options (MOLAP / ROLAP)
10. There is no difference between a BI tool’s ‘repository reports’ and ‘cube reports’.
11. There are no tools to automate the UAT phase of reports designed by a data warehouse because they would have to check data in reports by the same methods used by the OLAP layer to generate them.
True or False? If false – please say why!
1. An ODS stores data in non-relational format
2. Fact tables and dimension tables exist at the following levels: ODS, data warehouse, datamart
3. There is no difference between fact tables and reference tables.
4. There is no difference between dimension tables and dimensions
5. Like fact tables, dimensions are distinguished one from another by business process.
6. De-duplication happens at the datawarehouse layer , not the ODS.
7. In a datamart data is not stored in relational format.
8. The OLAP layer can only interface to a non-relational data structure like the datamart. It can’t interface to the data warehouse.
9. HOLAP is always the best of the OLAP options (MOLAP / ROLAP)
10. There is no difference between a BI tool’s ‘repository reports’ and ‘cube reports’.
11. There are no tools to automate the UAT phase of reports designed by a data warehouse because they would have to check data in reports by the same methods used by the OLAP layer to generate them.