Hello, I am ruuning aix 5.2 ml3 on several p670 boxes. These servers are connected to our EMC dmx1000 for storage. I am using mirrorvg to migrate from standard symmetrix volumes to striped meta volumes.
The process is pretty straight forward -
1. Extendvg AIX Volume group with new striped meta volumes
2. Mirrorvg old std volumes to new striped volumes
3. Unmirrorvg old std volumes
4. Reducevg old std volumes
Once this is done the VG has now been migrated to the new striped meta volumes and it performs much better.
I have migrated many volume groups during the day while users, applications and databases are running. I am now ready to migrate some VGs that contain our larger progress databases. The DBA's are asking for an outage where we can bring the progress database down before migrating it. They are concerned that the database may some how become corrupt during the migration even though I have migrated other progress dbs without any issues. It can be difficult to get down time in our 24x7 environment.
Does anyone see a problem with using mirrorvg to migrate database VGs when they are online and in use. As I said before I have never had any problems with mirrorvg in the past even when it is run at a time of heavy acctivity on the VGs and file systems.
The process is pretty straight forward -
1. Extendvg AIX Volume group with new striped meta volumes
2. Mirrorvg old std volumes to new striped volumes
3. Unmirrorvg old std volumes
4. Reducevg old std volumes
Once this is done the VG has now been migrated to the new striped meta volumes and it performs much better.
I have migrated many volume groups during the day while users, applications and databases are running. I am now ready to migrate some VGs that contain our larger progress databases. The DBA's are asking for an outage where we can bring the progress database down before migrating it. They are concerned that the database may some how become corrupt during the migration even though I have migrated other progress dbs without any issues. It can be difficult to get down time in our 24x7 environment.
Does anyone see a problem with using mirrorvg to migrate database VGs when they are online and in use. As I said before I have never had any problems with mirrorvg in the past even when it is run at a time of heavy acctivity on the VGs and file systems.