Adding new disk to a system rootvg (the same type/size/PP numbers) I run "mirrorvg" and got the following error:
# mirrorvg rootvg
0516-1259 mirrorvg: None of the available disks support booting on this
specific system or the boot logical volume already exists on
the specified disk.
If these are new bootable disks and you
have not rebooted since configuring them. You may try
exporting LVM_HOTSWAP_BOOTDISK=1 and run this command again
to override this condition.
0516-1200 mirrorvg: Failed to mirror the volume group.
And indeed, when I exported the variable, then mirrorvg completed successfuly.
Anyone can explain LVM_HOTSWAP_BOOTDISK=1 more detaily?
r, m.
# mirrorvg rootvg
0516-1259 mirrorvg: None of the available disks support booting on this
specific system or the boot logical volume already exists on
the specified disk.
If these are new bootable disks and you
have not rebooted since configuring them. You may try
exporting LVM_HOTSWAP_BOOTDISK=1 and run this command again
to override this condition.
0516-1200 mirrorvg: Failed to mirror the volume group.
And indeed, when I exported the variable, then mirrorvg completed successfuly.
Anyone can explain LVM_HOTSWAP_BOOTDISK=1 more detaily?
r, m.