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Mirror directory

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Mar 13, 2002

I need to mirror a directory using perl but the destination directory files needs to be 0 bytes in size. So i will end up with a directory of files names simular to a log but with actual files.

What have you tried so far?

- Kevin, perl coder unexceptional! [wiggle]
I have the following code to mirror a directory on change but haven't found a way to make the files only 0bytes in size.


# Allow us to copy files correctly.
use File::Copy;

# User-configurable. Don't include a / at the end of the path.
# Source = Base directory to start the backup from
# Dest = Base directory to backup to
$Source = "/$Dest = "/$Reverse = 0;

if ($Reverse)
$Temp = $Source;
$Source = $Dest;
$Dest = $Temp;

# Global variable. Turn on Verbose Mode by using "mirror.pl -v"
$Verbose = 0;

# Define what you do not want copied over. It is case sensitive.
# If you want a specific directory not copied, such as the "/logs/"
# directory, use "^/logs/" to specify that directory. It uses a regexp
# to see if the directory which is about to be copied should be excluded.
# If you do not specify the ^ in front, such as the "/_themes/" directory,
# it will exclude all _themes directories it comes across.
# You can specify a file by using "^/dir/dir/file.txt" or all files with
# a particular name by "/file.txt$" and making sure that $ is there so
# it matches to end of line.
#@Excludes = ("^/backup/",
# "^/ftp/",
# "^/Images/",
# "^/logs/",
# "^/publish/",
# "^/recycled/", "^/RECYCLED/",
# "^/recycler/", "^/RECYCLER/",
# "/_borders/", "/_BORDERS",
# "/_derived/", "/_DERIVED/",
# "/_fpclass/", "/_FPCLASS/",
# "/_overlay/", "/_OVERLAY/",
# "/_private/", "/_PRIVATE/",
# "/_themes/", "/_THEMES/",
# "/_vti_bin/", "/_VTI_BIN/",
# "/_vti_cnf/", "/_VTI_CNF/",
# "/_vti_log/", "/_VTI_LOG/",
# "/_vti_pvt/", "/_VTI_PVT/",
# "/_vti_txt/", "/_VTI_TXT/");

# End of user-configurable section #

if ($ARGV[0] eq "-v")
print "Verbose mode ON!\n";
$Verbose = 1;


# End of the main driver, proceed directly to functions.

# Gets a listing of files. Returns the array.
sub GetFiles {
local ($Dir) = @_;
local (@Files);

opendir(DIR, $Dir);
@Files = readdir(DIR);

return @Files;

# Checks to see if the file/directory name passed in should be
# excluded in the backup
sub IsExcluded {
local ($File) = @_;

foreach (@Excludes)
if ($File =~ /$_/)
print "Excluding $File\n" if ($Verbose);
return 1;

return 0;

# Compares/copies files
sub BackupFile {
local ($File) = @_;

# Only copy if newer or different sized from what I have
if (-e "$Dest$File")
if (-M "$Source$File" >= -M "$Dest$File")
if (-s "$Source$File" == -s "$Dest$File")

# Exclude files which can be excluded
if (IsExcluded($File))

print " $File\n" if ($Verbose);
copy("$Source$File", "$Dest$File");

# Performs the backup on the specified directory, recursively calling
# itself for each subdirectory which does not get excluded.
sub PerformBackup {
local ($Dir) = @_;
local (@SFiles, @DFiles, @Dirs, $File);

print "$Dir\n" if ($Verbose);

# Get the file lists
@SFiles = GetFiles("$Source$Dir");
@DFiles = GetFiles("$Dest$Dir");

# For each file, possibly copy.
# For each directory, save list of directories for later.
foreach (sort(@SFiles))
# Ignore ".", "..", and hidden files
next if (/^\./);

$File = $_;

# If it is a directory, save it for later.
# Else, possibly copy now.
if (-d "$Source$Dir$File")
push(@Dirs, $File);

# Process the directories
foreach (sort(@Dirs))
$File = "$Dir$_/";

next if (IsExcluded($File));

if (! -d "$Dest$File")
mkdir("$Dest$File", 0755);
Don't use File::Copy. Just open the file and close it:

open (my $FH, ">", $somefile) or die "$!";
undef $FH;

that will create a zero byte file.

- Kevin, perl coder unexceptional! [wiggle]
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