I'm searching for a simple OS that will fit on a floppy - It has to be a floppy. The OS should have a filemanager, and preferably support NIC + TCP/IP, and FAT32. Sadly, my searches have failed.
Currently the best I have managed is DOS 7.1 + Win3.x on a single floppy disk. That provides a File Manager with support for FAT32 -- but not enough space for files to support the LAN!
Is there a Linux distro (or any OS) that is smaller than the Microsoft solution? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I'm willing to trade custom scripts for... [see profile]
I'm searching for a simple OS that will fit on a floppy - It has to be a floppy. The OS should have a filemanager, and preferably support NIC + TCP/IP, and FAT32. Sadly, my searches have failed.
Currently the best I have managed is DOS 7.1 + Win3.x on a single floppy disk. That provides a File Manager with support for FAT32 -- but not enough space for files to support the LAN!
Is there a Linux distro (or any OS) that is smaller than the Microsoft solution? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I'm willing to trade custom scripts for... [see profile]