Good morning all,
I've got the following query:
This works exactly I would expect it to, however, when the subquery returns 0 rows then the columns 'HighestSendsToOneDevice', 'LowestSendsToOneDevice' and 'AverageSendsToOneDevice' return as NULL whereas I would really rather have them return as 0 as this is easier for me to handle and chart in my front end application.
What is the simplest way to change this so that the columns return 0 instead of NULL is no rows are found in the subquery?
Many thanks guys, I appreciate any advice.
I've got the following query:
Select c.yyyy,
Max(f.MessageCount) As HighestSendsToOneDevice,
Min(f.MessageCount) As LowestSendsToOneDevice,
Avg(cast(f.MessageCount as float)) As AverageSendsToOneDevice
From Calendar As c
Cross Join Hours As h
Left Outer Join (
Select MessageLog.Device_ID,
Count(Distinct MessageLog.Media_ID) AS MessageCount,
DATEADD(hh,DATEDIFF(hh, 0, MessageLog.LogDateTime), 0) As LogDate
From MessageLog
Inner Join LogClass
On LogClass.LogClass_ID = MessageLog.LogClass_ID
Where LogClass.Name = 'org.openobex.TransferComplete'
And MessageLog.ThinkTank_ID = 67
And MessageLog.LogDateTime >= '20081105'
And MessageLog.LogDateTime < '20081106'
Group By MessageLog.Device_ID,
DATEADD(hh,DATEDIFF(hh, 0, MessageLog.LogDateTime), 0)
) As f
On f.LogDate = dateadd(hh, h.hh, c.caldate)
Where c.caldate >= '20081105'
And c.caldate < '20081106'
Group By c.yyyy,
This works exactly I would expect it to, however, when the subquery returns 0 rows then the columns 'HighestSendsToOneDevice', 'LowestSendsToOneDevice' and 'AverageSendsToOneDevice' return as NULL whereas I would really rather have them return as 0 as this is easier for me to handle and chart in my front end application.
What is the simplest way to change this so that the columns return 0 instead of NULL is no rows are found in the subquery?
Many thanks guys, I appreciate any advice.