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Migration MQ Series Server v.5.2.1 2

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Dec 16, 2002
I would like to get your opinions about this project:
1. I have a server RS6000 with MQ SERIES SERVER v.5.2.1 for AIX. In the same server there are DB2, WAS, HTTP, LDAP, MQIPT, etc. I have many clients (companies) connected to my MQ SERIES SERVER through their MQ SERVER or MQ CLIENT. Currently, the number of Queues and Channels created in my server are approximately 40 (local and remote) and about 20 Channels senders and 20 receivers.
2. In order to increase performace to my server RS6000, I'm goint to put a new server to install only MQ SERIES SERVER ; however, I have many doubts

- If I have many queues and channels and in the future they increase, is MQ SERVER v.5.2.1 the best option???, does anybody know other product MQ family to connect many queues and channels???

- Is W2K a right Operating System? I plan the new server with W2k Server. My remote clients have W2K too, only 1 with Linux, the difference is that my clients only use a pair of queues and channels to connect with mine. I have to connect with everybody through my server. I beileve that only get a small server is enough. For example a XSeriesServer 1GB RAM, hard disk 40 GB. Does anybody have a similar situation? Please if you do, send your opinion.

- Can I install WebShpere MQ 5.3 and connect with my remote clients (companies) that use MQ Series 5.2.1.??? Are there any problem?

I'll appreciate very much your opinios

Best Regards

You should be OK on W2K with the server config you described. We did the same, migrated our customer MQ connections off the AIX App server to a xSeries 335 running RH Linux 8 instead. W2K isn't my favourite choice of OS for stability and security, but should fine if you keep an eye on it.

MQ5.3 is the logical choice, 5.2 service pack support expires Dec 2003. Also, with the way security is going it isn't long before someone would ask for SSL encrypted channels, for that you need ver 5.3

Ver 5.3 will connect to any older version, so there is no worries there. We still have customers using 2.1

IBM Certified Confused - MQSeries
IBM Certified Flabbergasted - AIX 5 pSeries System Administration
MS Certified Windblows Rebooter
Thanks for your help aixmurderer

I decide to install WebSphere MQ Server for Linux for Intel. Please help, I hava some questions :

- Can I use Cluster in MQ 5.3?

- What about SSL??? I use MQIPT to encrypt information. My partners use MQIPT too... then, Can I use SSL and my partner MQIPT???

- Which is approx the cost of license MQ 5.3?

- How about Linux? Which is the cost??? Anybody knows???

I hope your opinions,

Best Regards!!!

e-business Manager

Clustering on 5.3 works exactly the same as the older versions. We have a cluster with members which consists of ver 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3. About the only thing which is a bit different is that they recommend running a standalone MQListener instead of the inetd version, although the inetd way is still supported.

For SSL both ends must have SSL able systems, part of the 5.3 package is "gskit", which allows for certificate generation and management. The purpose is to have SSL encrypted channels between servers, based on an agreed encryption format and exchanged SSL certs. Although I have no exposure to MQIPT I suspect you could use that on top of the SSL channels, not as an alternative at any one end.

Pricing I cannot tell you, you will have to contact IBM in your region with regards to that.

MQSeries 5.3 comes in RPM format, so for easy install you will require an RPM based version of Linux. We use RedHat 8 simply because until the latest MQ CSD 5 was released we couldn't us it on RedHat 9. It also (with CSD 5) run on Fedora (freeware version of RedHat), and in all likelyhood will run on Mandrake 9.2 and SUSE. Most of these releases are free to download or fairly cheap if you buy the enterprise server versions.

IBM Certified Confused - MQSeries
IBM Certified Flabbergasted - AIX 5 pSeries System Administration
MS Certified Windblows Rebooter
Hi aixmurderer,

I had to stop the project of migration but currently I re-start it.

I bought an X SERIES SERVER X225 and installed LINUX RED HAT 9. I had to download PTF U487853 (CSD05) because of problems with the Red Hat version.

I downloaded MQ SERIES SERVER 5.3 for Linux from IBM page.

I have some doubts about the next step :

- How can i get the best performance of the server before installing MQ SERIES SERVER 5.3 ???
- How is the issue about File Systems ? What directory can I use to install MQ 5.3.?? What kind of configuration can I do to get the best MQ performance ??

Best Regards,

Hi! I need help
I installed MQ SERIES SERVER 5.3 for linux for XSeries and when try to create the QManager , it shows :

[mqm@MQeBIZ mqm]$ crtmqm
AMQ6090: WebSphere MQ can't show an error message 20006220.

Distribution Linux is RED HAT 9.

What can I do??? What happens??? I installed all the components inclusive the last PTF CSD05

Please help me
There should be an FFST/FD file created for this error message. Check under mqm\errors directory to see what they are and post the FFST here.


This is the FFST :

| |
| WebSphere MQ First Failure Symptom Report |
| ========================================= |
| |
| Date/Time :- Thursday February 12 10:43:27 PET 2004 |
| Host Name :- MQeBIZ (Linux 2.4.20-8smp) |
| PIDS :- 5724B4104 |
| LVLS :- 530.5 CSD05 |
| Product Long Name :- WebSphere MQ for Linux for Intel |
| Vendor :- IBM |
| Probe Id :- XY439010 |
| Application Name :- MQM |
| Component :- xcsProgramInit |
| Build Date :- Sep 27 2003 |
| CMVC level :- p530-05-L030926 |
| Build Type :- IKAP - (Production) |
| UserID :- 00000501 (UNKNOWN) |
| Program Name :- crtmqm |
| Thread-Process :- 00005941 |
| ThreadingModel :- Unknown |
| Major Errorcode :- MQRC_ENVIRONMENT_ERROR |
| Minor Errorcode :- OK |
| Probe Type :- MSGAMQ07DC |
| Probe Severity :- 4 |
| Probe Description :- AMQ6090: WebSphere MQ no ha podido mostrar un mensaje |
| de error 7DC. |
| FDCSequenceNumber :- 0 |
| |
No MQM Function Stack Available

I hope this can help ,


Not sure whats going on. But as the FFST suggests, there is some environment error. What error though is for us to figure out. Check if you have appropriate authority to access the executables, create logs etc. Permissions are limited. Also check for file permissions along with group permissions.

What userid did you use to create the queue manager.

The other thing that i noticed was, you just issued crtmqm command. You need to specify the queue manager name as well. I did not mention this earlier because i thought you just pasted and concentrated on the error message rather than the syntax of crtmqm command. If not, then this could be the problem.

Well, I use "mqm" user to create the QManager. Have you installed MQ 5.3 over Linux RH9 without problems???

Crtmqm command is not the problem, I just put it to show the problem

[mqm@MQeBIZ mqm]$ crtmqm -q QM1
AMQ6090: WebSphere MQ can't show error message 20006220.
[mqm@MQeBIZ mqm]$

It's the same message. Please help.

Best Regards,
Do you get any other error in the mqerrlog other than what you get on your linux session and the FFST. If yes, could you post that.

I dont have and havent installed MQ on RH9. But i have RH8 and installed MQ quite a few times without any issues.

When you installed MQ, did it install properly. And did you follow the steps as described in the quick beginnings guide.

I cant really think of anything that would cause this FFST other than an application program itself. Not sure why you are getting this on crtmqm.

It could be as simple as missing some environment variable, but i am not sure of which one.

May be this could throw some light.

Now why were you forced to apply the CSD. You said you had problems with MQ base version. What were they.

Thanks KK , I decided to install RH8. Do you have any advice about installing MQ over RH8?? I think that is the best way. What do you think?


I just followed the step by step guide from the quick beginnings manual. Of course, i am not a Linux guy, hence had to be careful in what the manual said and to see if i did follow all instructions properly.

I think you need to set up your memory/semaphores etc as described in the Quick beginnings guide before you start installing MQ.

I have always been successful in my installation and may be the reason was that i followed each step as was said in the manual.

Good luck.

I never encountered the problem above, the only problem I had initially before CSD5 was available was incorrect library errors which I then corrected by installing the wanted versions. Before CSD5 it just used to hang during the crtmqm command, no errors, no returning to the command line prompt.

One think I did do different than you is to add user root to the mqm group, and then used root user to run the commands like crtmqm.

Re the MQIPT question, I noticed that a new version of the package was released in January at the supportpac site, it claims to support SSL channels now.

IBM Certified Confused - MQSeries
IBM Certified Flabbergasted - AIX 5 pSeries System Administration
MS Certified Windblows Rebooter
Hi!, Well I don't know what happened with RH9 but now with RH8 I can create queue managers and channels without problems.

Is there any special requisite to use SSL channels? Where can I found a good information about this?

When using IBM MQSeries on RH9 or later with the SSL-functionality, and get the message
AMQ6090: WebSphere MQ can't show error message 20006220
, which is the same as the MQ Reason Code 2012 (you see 0x7DC in AMQERR01.LOG, and 7DC=2012), you probably have to modify the environment to the mqm user in order to get it fixed. After adding the following to the .bash_profile, crtmqm worked like a charm:

Hope it helps. :)
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