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Migrating COGNOS to a new server - need advice

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Technical User
Oct 1, 2002
Does anyone have advice on migrating our COGNOS Impromptu, PowerPlay and Transformer applications onto a new network server when the old network server is retired? Our Catalog and reports are stored on a shared network server, and Users have Cognos installed on their desktop PC. I know each User's PC will need to have their network drive mapped to the new network server. But will other steps be needed? I know Impromptu's dropdown menu has a Tools/Options/File Locations tab where paths can be set, but will the paths in the Cognos.ini and Impromptu.ini file on each User PC have to be manually set? And looking in Transformer and PowerPlay I don't see anything that looks like it needs to be changed. Any advice would be appreciated as I don't see this covered in the online documentation/help.

If this is simply moving the client version then you need nothing more than the relevant files and to ensure and ODBC/Client Connectivity are setup on the target machine.

One thing to be aware of is that if you are using Access Manager via a Netscape and you are moving to a server with a different IP address then to need to use the export to LAE file routine.
I have a follow up to this initial inquiry as we are still having a problem. Our network people moved the Cognos 5.0 application from an old NT server to a newer NT server. Our users have Cognos client software installed on their PC and map a drive on their PC to the Cognos application folder on the shared network drive. After Cognos was migrated the old server was shutdown, and now they can open PowerPlay but cannot open Impromptu. We had to turn on the old server again. I feel like I am missing something about migrating to a new server and have not been able to find any reference material on this situation. Does anyone have experience/specific tips on changing servers/ip addresses for Impromptu? Many Thanks
jamesdb...I'm curious to know if you got Impromptu to work on your new server? I am doing the same thing, migrating from an old NT to a new win2k box. having some issues getting impromptu to open up. something about 'unable to locate the gateway(msdba.dll)'... hoping this forum helps.
Hi, we did get Impromptu to work. Our network guys had to create a users group on the new server and grant permissions to all users. On each users PC we first deleted the old drive that was mapped to the old server, then mapped a new drive to the new server. On each users PC we then opened their impromptu.ini file and changed the name of the new server in the paths there. Then once Impromptu was opened on the users PC open Tools/Options - on the startup tab the path for the catalog may need to be changed, and on the file loacations tab the paths may need to be changed (if the path pointed to the old server point it to the new servers path - if it pointed to a location on the users PC hard drive it won't need a change). If you have reports that use sub-reports, hotfiles or picklist files for prompts, you may need to open the report and change those paths as well.

For Transformer once you opened a report, you had to change the path from the old server to the new server select Tools/Show Reference/properties for each .iqd file used, plus select Edit/Properties to change the path for the .mdc file. Then i could regenerate the cubes and open them and save them as PowerPlay reports.

I did not get the error message you posted. Hope this helps.
did you have to make changes to the catalog as well, to include the new server name?
No, our catalog is stored on the shared network drive, along with all the Cognos reports. the network people copied the folders with all Cognos files including the catalog to the new server. All we did was change the name of the server in the paths, ie
old server= alamcdnt
new server= matcomapps08

\\alamcdnt\reports changed to \\matcomapps08\reports

If you have a lot of reports it could be tedious, I don't know of any other way though.
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