An existent domain (Dom2) must be integrated in the main domain (Dom1).
The Dom2 will be an OU in the Dom1
Dom2, initial situation: DC and Exchange server do exist.
To do: new users accounts+mail addresses, migrate the existent mailboxes to the Dom1 exchange server.Migrate the clients (XP)in the Dom1 domain.
I've installed a Dom1 DC in the Dom2 and now I must migrate users, mailboxes and clients.
Could someone please help me to follow the right steps.
An existent domain (Dom2) must be integrated in the main domain (Dom1).
The Dom2 will be an OU in the Dom1
Dom2, initial situation: DC and Exchange server do exist.
To do: new users accounts+mail addresses, migrate the existent mailboxes to the Dom1 exchange server.Migrate the clients (XP)in the Dom1 domain.
I've installed a Dom1 DC in the Dom2 and now I must migrate users, mailboxes and clients.
Could someone please help me to follow the right steps.