I have 2 database servers one running SQL 6.5 and other SQL 7.0. I want to import 6.5 database to SQL 7.0 (not upgrade). Can anyone help me with this? Thanks.
You can't import you must upgrade, however you could bring the tables across using the DTS wizard...<br><br>Create a new blank database and copy in your 6.5 tables <p>Cal<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= > </a><br>
Calahans, I need to replicate complete database. Bringing just tables wouldn't help. If I just bring the tables then I have to recreate all the security, stored procedures, indexers, etc. There must be a way to replicate same SQL 6.5 database onto SQL 7. Thanks for your response though!
Got a spare nt server? You could install 6.5, copy in all the 6.5 databases you need, upgrade, copy the upgraded databases onto your 7.0 machine. Bodgy, I know, but I'm not aware of an alternative. Sure you dont just want to say ta ta to 6.5?<br>
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