That's because nobody in their right mind would ever consider such a thing. That not withstanding, let us entertain the thought for a moment. You say you NEED to migrate to Suse. Is there something that Suse will do that RH won't? What I'm getting at is, could you install the packages to need because switching distros would be the same as doing a fresh install. When you were done you'd still have the same OS it's just that a few packages have been moved around and some logos have been changed. RH provides a package manager called RPM but it also lets you compile stuff the good old fashion way from tarballs. In fact they use the exact same compiler. The kernel and packages are the same one too. One distro may have more or less than the other but gnome is gnome and kde is kde on any distro. It would be like my wife tradin' me in after all these years and finding out she just ended up with another football watching couch potato. If you still want to go through with it, backup all your data including config files and data bases. Then do a fresh install and copy you data back. This is not the best way. If I were to take hold of this madness, I would copy EVERYTHING onto another computer. Then your servers will still be up while you make the change. Now you can take all the time you need to setup the new server. Just before your ready to put it back online, shut down all the servers so you don't lose any dynamic data and dump all the databases and data files that may have changed. Then restore them on the new server. If your system makes backups nightly, this data may have changed if you left the server up and running 'til the last minute. You may have other ways to do this but my point is to do whatever you can to not lose any data and to keep things running as normally as possible.
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