I have a working audit database, collection files written to Oracle 7.2, Impromptu catalog & reports & even a cube running off the audit database, table structure & definition modelled after the Access sample provided with IWR 6.0. We're upgrading to IWR 7.0, and naturally want to continue with the historical data we have, 3 months' worth. The problem is, the database table & structures are totally different; some tables are no longer there, some fields are different or not there, and the whole design of the database (and joins) is different. Someone out there must have migrated audit data from IWR 6.0 to 7.0, can you please enlighten me on what are the relationships between the 6.0 and 7.0 tables and fields, what will my select sql queries need to pull from the 6.0 tables, and where will they correspond to in the 7.0 ones? In short, how to get my 6.0 historical database into 7.0 format, so 7.0 has the old and current events?