Here is the scenario:
MICS release 7.1, Call Pilot 150. Both new systems. A total of 9 analog lines into system. All but lines 7 and 8 are AA answer. (lines 7 and 8 are branched out for another business) What happens is periodically, the CallPilot will not release the lines and all 7 line will lock up. If you select them on a phone, the display reads reads "in use CP" which is the Call Pilot DN. C.O. says reliable disconnect is implemented on lines and timing is correct. In order to clear the lines, we simply pull them off the 110 block and re-terminate them. Clearing the first line or two resets all of them. This is not on a consistent basis, as the MICS and Call Pilot are working fine otherwise. They had an old NAM voicemail, which we thought was causing the problem, and suggegsted an upgrade to Call Pilot. The new install was fine for a few weeks, and now this issue happens again maybe once(twice at the most) a week. Customer is getting frustrated. I have been over line settings inside and out, and spoken with other tech support, but cannot determine a cause for the lines not releasing from VM. Any suggestions?
MICS release 7.1, Call Pilot 150. Both new systems. A total of 9 analog lines into system. All but lines 7 and 8 are AA answer. (lines 7 and 8 are branched out for another business) What happens is periodically, the CallPilot will not release the lines and all 7 line will lock up. If you select them on a phone, the display reads reads "in use CP" which is the Call Pilot DN. C.O. says reliable disconnect is implemented on lines and timing is correct. In order to clear the lines, we simply pull them off the 110 block and re-terminate them. Clearing the first line or two resets all of them. This is not on a consistent basis, as the MICS and Call Pilot are working fine otherwise. They had an old NAM voicemail, which we thought was causing the problem, and suggegsted an upgrade to Call Pilot. The new install was fine for a few weeks, and now this issue happens again maybe once(twice at the most) a week. Customer is getting frustrated. I have been over line settings inside and out, and spoken with other tech support, but cannot determine a cause for the lines not releasing from VM. Any suggestions?