I have a client that called the other day-they have had some power issues and systems have rebooted a few times over the past month. Usually all comes back good and we have not been there for some time, this week the voicemail did not come back so we went out. The station lights are on but the middle light for connection or sync is not on. The Call pilot was a 150 but they only have 4 mail boxes so I removed the unit and brought it to the office and it is confirmed not communicating. I set up a different unit in my lab a CP100 and went to site today and the same issue happens no sync to MICS 6.0. I tried a second CP100 also same issue but both voicemails work in my shop on a CICS 6.1. I did the XF test feature on the MICS also and still the CP100 is not syncing. The power was checked also and the power supply on site replaced in testing also. Ext 252 and 251 are hooked up and both extensions do work on a phone...Help !!!!!I feel the MICS software may be bad no other explaination....